
Winter Solstice 2016, Trump and "Christianity"

The Winter Solstice this year is more meaningful than any of the 0ther 79 I have experienced. Having been a Roman Catholic until 21 and then a Born Again Evangelical for many years after that I slowly discovered that it was all fake. Now I see the Pagan influence in every aspect of this season's sham celebration of the birth of Christ.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Trump, Brexit and the Crisis of Liberalism

We need to understand what the liberals already know but are unwilling to admit publicly; liberalism is in a deep crisis. The liberal wing of the ruling class has caught itself on the horns of a dilemma.

On the one hand, the Liberals serve the interests of capitalism, in that sense the shift from Keynesian Liberalism to Neoliberalism comes about due to the economic crisis following the demise of Keynesianism due to stagflation in the 1970s.

So what the heck is going on...?

Unlike my usual essays, which I actually mull over and let slowly form before putting pen to paper (so to speak).....I am really just putting down some observations today regarding the Circus which has been taking place sine Election Day.

You can reference back to my Prior post-election piece for a more thought-out line of thinking. But for this one, suffice it to say I am just really wondering WTF is going on in the invisible rooms of the Establishment ?

OMG! Putin has taken over the United States!

Just the other day, while I was bribing my local political commissar, it hit me.
It's time to stop denying it: the Soviets won the Cold War.

Oh sure, you probably thought the United States won. It just goes to show how sneaky those Russians were.
You probably didn't even noticed that they slowly invaded us over the last 25 years.
