Laws, Rules, and Regulations only Apply to Some Government Officials

Where is that unbiased Umpire when we need one?

Well ...

The current Obama-appointed Inspector General of the State Dept, has issued these cut-and-dried charges, concerning the caviler and blatant steps that Hillary Clinton took, NOT to preserve her sworn responsibility to preserve her "Official Archival Records" that she conducted as U.S. Secretary of State.

Strike one:

A State Department Inspector General report said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to follow the rules or inform key department staff regarding her use of a private email server ...

Strike two:

The report, which was provided to lawmakers, states, "At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service ...

Strike three:

But while the report acknowledges personal email use by previous secretaries, it also notes that the rules for preserving work emails sent from a personal email account were updated in 2009, the year Clinton took office.

And perhaps even worse yet ... (Lying cover-ups are worse, yes?)

Clinton has long maintained that she had permission to use personal email.

But the report says that the Inspector General's office "found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server."

With "permission slips" like that -- you could almost be expected to "write your own ticket", to become the next Presidential Nominee of your Party. Afterall it's "her turn" -- just ask all her fawning followers, her compliant Media pals, and her Super-D "enablers"

-- they all tell you, That "some people" can just Do.No.Wrong!

(no matter how many 'at-bats' they get ...)

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featheredsprite's picture

but don't suppose I ever will.

If the Feebs uncovered pay for play while SoS, she's in deep trouble. And Obama might not pardon her for that. He trusted her and she exploited his trust to carry on her own shenanigans. He might feel he was betrayed, as of course he was.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

... his political instincts tell him to do. As I'm not a fan of those instincts, that doesn't fill me with optimism for actual accountability.

I just feel this is all about power at this point. Debbie Wasserman-Schulz got Obama to refrain from firing her when all the circumstantial evidence points to the fact he doesn't like her at all.

Whoever has the most power in this wins. It's a sad commentary on our political process but I keep forgetting this is an Empire, not a sovereign nation any more. Rats.

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Beat in the USA.

jamess's picture

wanted to do something about this, I suspect it would have already happened.

Obama has on at least 2 occasions, made public statements about her server,
saying that "it was careless" ... that it was "not a {serious} breach of security"

in other words, 'it was not all that bad' ...
nothing to see here people, move along.

He must be desperate for a Legacy-carrier.
He ought to be careful what he hopes for -- he just might get it
-- the worst Legacy possible.

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and the Clinton's just might want to give it to him too. He did beat her in 2008 after all. I would put nothing past them, and if they can find a way to throw him under the bus, they'll do it. Our media will go along, and even the Repugnants will probably go along with that too. While I know every attack on Mr Obama is not simply due to racism, the establishment can pull out that ugly little card to taint him with too. And Bill and Hill would laugh all the way to the White Hut.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

jamess's picture

Context matters;

that sometime Context, is Everything ...

Well, here's some of that for you:

Nothing to see here ... Nothing at all.
by -- jamess -- 05/18/2016

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GreyWolf's picture

Hillary Clinton aide moves to block release of deposition video

Hillary Clinton's former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, is asking a federal judge to order a conservative group not to release audio or video recordings of a deposition Mills is scheduled to give Friday about Clinton's use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. ...

Mills' filing asserts that audio or video clips would be more easily taken out of context than a transcript but does not make entirely clear why written quotes could not be similarly distorted. ...

In addition to Mills, former Clinton deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin and computer technician Bryan Pagliano are scheduled to give depositions in the coming weeks. It's unclear whether any limits put on videos of Mills' testimony would be applied to their appearances, but if the judge agrees to Mills' request it seems likely the others would ask for similar treatment. ...

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detroitmechworks's picture

In the sense of "You can't arrest her! She's the Mayor's Kid!"

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Damnit Janet's picture

When I was young and on a bike in a pedestrian crossing zone, I was hit and ran by the adult daughter of a Mayor. The fucking Sheriff did nothing, said his hands were tied.

Laws are just for us little people. We're all fucking peasants.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

detroitmechworks's picture

when I posted it.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

jamess's picture

that must have Hurt like Hell


Thanks Damnit Janet

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Damnit Janet's picture

for the longest time. Then Mt. St. Helens erupted. Try evacuating when you can barely move. I couldn't get my stuff packed, one bag was about all my Mom and brother got ... so I just grabbed our dog, Teddy. Cat ran out of the house, but was okay and found a few days later.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

jamess's picture

glad you made it out. (No thanks to the local 'federalities'.)

that was some serious eruption.

PS. Notice the back-ground crater in my avatar pix.

I did that hike last summer sometime.

The big hole in the Earth is still there,
although the center is filling back-in, however slowly.

Earthquake swarm are back, I heard. Same on Mt Hood too.

Uh oh!

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Damnit Janet's picture

which is now a mud puddle. We used to camp at Clear Lake growing up. Oddly, I've only gone back twice. Daughter has done the lava tubes there but I couldn't go. However, I adore camping in the caldera with two lakes in it. Paulina and East in the Newberry Volcanic area.

Sorry typos.. watching Stanley Cup delayed game. Biggrin

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

jamess's picture

We all know most Justices have "two sets of rules"

one for the "important people"

and one for "the rest of us".

thanks dmw

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detroitmechworks's picture

High Justice... and Low Justice.

Course in that situation, the Rich would have no right to arbitrarily try peasants for bullshit...

Starting to like the idea of being tried by a bunch of villagers in a pub instead of the Bullcrap bought and paid for courts.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

snoopydawg's picture

Is if they can connect her blatant disregard of the rules for her emails so that the CGI people could get access to the information that would show that the weapons deals would profit the foundation.
Same things were happening in Haiti, Libya and Honduras and who knows how many other countries?
In last nights EBs, joe posted a link about the foundation, and the article said that the foundation hadn't reported the donations from the foreign governments from 2010-2013.
Anyone who weren't the Clintons would have been audited already.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

no really

Hillary Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon called into question the timing of the State Department investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server, which concluded Wednesday that Clinton didn't comply with federal records policies while at the department.
Fallon referred to the "appropriateness" of the investigation, parallel to the Justice Department's investigation into the same issue, as "an open question" during a Wednesday interview on CNN's "The Situation Room."

He also defended Clinton's decision not to meet with the inspector general for the investigation by arguing that Clinton and her staff decided to "prioritize the Justice Department review."

When repeatedly asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer why Clinton didn't have time to do both, Fallon noted both the handful of inquiries Clinton has responded to, as well as reports from inside the office claiming that the investigation had an "anti-Clinton bias."

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GreyWolf's picture

"You're drunk and ran over a pedestrian ... oh, and we're also going to investigate whether the car was stolen. Appropriate? Ya' don't think that's appropriate? At this point in time? Did you really say that!? At this point in time? When would be a more appropriate point in time, maybe after you serve the f-ing sentence for running over tne pedestrian?"

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I can't help thinking of Bob Herbert's 2001 column, Cut Him Loose, when thinking about Obama counting on HRC to continue his legacy.

You can't lead a nation if you are ashamed of the leadership of your party. The Clintons are a terminally unethical and vulgar couple, and they've betrayed everyone who has ever believed in them. (My bolding)

As neither Clinton has the grace to retire from the scene, the Democrats have no choice but to turn their backs on them.

I don't want that "terminally unethical and vulgar couple" anywhere near the WH. Hopefully the OIG report will jolt Obama out of his HRC fantasy. Or he reads up on the Clinton Foundation money laundering. Few things would give me greater pleasure and a sense of justice served than Chelsea having to bundle up the kids to go visit their grandmother in a federal prison.

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Alex Ocana's picture

that Chelsea shouldn't be in an orange jump suit as well?

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From the Light House.

four of them now that Chelsea is married and hubbo manages a fund for the Foundation. That would be something to see. While I'd feel sorry for the baby a little, it might actually save that kid from becoming another corrupt blood sucking parasite like they are.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur