
Democrats Stop Being Such Effing Hypocrites: Updated

Where have you been the last eight years?

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

The Five Year U.S. War against Syria Enters a New Phase

I need to be talked down. Donald Trump, the President of this country and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and intelligence services, has unilaterally attacked Syria with missiles aimed at government and military resources, based on the lie that the Assad government was behind the recent alleged chemical weapons incident in Syria. There is no doubt the alleged chemical weapon incident was a false flag taken to justify this very action. Anyone who doubts that, prove me wrong.

Trump vs. the Media

Fake news. Diligent reporting. What's the difference?

The other night I was watching NBC news. They had a segment about how Putin was assembling a dossier of President Trump's strengths and weaknesses, and his psychological makeup. They even interviewed a Russian speaking man who said exactly what they wanted him to say.

Was this fake news? Was it real news?


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to obtain psychic powers. At first, I thought I'd offer readings to all my close friends. Now I realize there's very little I could say to someone that the Universe wouldn't reveal to them, if they were ready for it.

Verifying News - An example using photo forensics Part 1.

Mass murder, exploitation, stealth & proxy rape of entire nations. To be enshrined in halls of psychopaths. Bye Bye Obama.

USAID supplied the "White Helmets" who are not the "Syrian Civil Defense" as they say, but a group of jihadis embedded with Al Nusra, ISIS and other religious fanatics whom at least $23,000,000 of USAID money have done their best to turn North Africa and the Middle East into a wasteland.
