
The Legacy Left sees the elephant but misses the rest of the living room

I give up on the Nation Magazine and the "Legacy Left". [NOTE] The interminable stream of "final notice" letters from the magazine has ceased; I think they finally got the message. However, the last issue I received completely supports my abysmally low opinion of them.

Scapegoats against class consciousness

TPTB have been suppressing class based arguments for a hundred years. With the demise of communism, the efforts of the corporate media to throw "class" into the "dustbin of history" have been unopposed, despite massive and ever growing class inequality. Economics has been twisted into a Manichean fight between laissez faire globalists and the demonized other, communists/socialists/New Dealers. This black and white narrative means that alternative worldviews are almost unknown.

The Empty Self as the Open Door to Rule by Propaganda

(This is a reprise from 2013 that I’d run into accidentally while looking for a vignette of a salt-of-the-earth local neighbor, ‘Albert the Blacksmith’ that  I’d written years ago in order to send it to a friend from the Mancos Valley wayback machine…who is in dire need of some laughing time.  Just above it, and to the left, was this same title, and I’d looked at with a furrowed brow, as it hadn’t rung a bell with me…at all.  But when I read it, it seemed even more germane to the current mainstream, acceptable Amerikan zeitgeist than then.  I’ll modernize it at the bottom.)
