Why 2018 might be very different
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 04/04/2018 - 3:28pmThe latest evidence that something unusual is happening this year is the news out of New York today.
The latest evidence that something unusual is happening this year is the news out of New York today.
Denver is not San Francisco, or even New York. So when the Denver Democratic Party starts sounding like socialists then something is up.
It's no secret that the Democratic Party would rather lose to a Republican than win with a progressive. The Democrats prefer to at least pretend that they embrace progressive values, and thus get those progressive votes...until now.
Are progressives democrats? And since it's a fact that the Democratic party, not just the "corporate democrats" and not just the "democratic party establishment", THE democratic party officially FULLY SUPPORTS U.S. imperialism, are progressives also imperialist warmongers?
There’s been a conflict in this country ever since the era which gave it birth: a conflict between those who have wanted to maintain traditions of privilege and domination, and those who have wanted a country which treats its citizens equally, and guarantees equal rights for all. The vision of equality has prevailed in the conflict thus far, but only by the sustained effort and sacrifice of its citizens.
Progressives around the country have been shaking up the Democratic Party and most Democratic voters support them.
Having a few idle hours, I visited a friend, a friend who was cursed by owning a Television set, so rightfully called the Boob Tube, by which he could watch all the MSM horseshit without realizing that he wasn't getting even half of the story.
Times are changing. Sometimes for the better. Hillary Goddam Clinton is being offered a plea deal by Sessions' DOJ to plead guilty to "prosecutable crimes" in return for no further legal actions against her for CGI, uranium one, pay-to-play, and her email scandal which is still producing more poisonous (for her) fruit. My take is that she can NEVER admit that she has done anything wrong and will go down with her Titanic-sized load of garbage rather than admit she was a felon.
I don't listen to podcasts, but I do keep a lookout for those who stick their fingers in the eyes of the political establishment. That's why this article denouncing Chapo Trap House brought them to my attention.
I don't know why it took this long to figure it out.
Bernie Sanders and progressives in general were responsible for Hillary losing, and now he's responsible for Jon Ossoff losing.
If only Hillary and Ossoff ran further to the right.