
Democrats 'Blue Dog Mafia' prepares to wage war against progressives

It's no secret that the Democratic Party would rather lose to a Republican than win with a progressive. The Democrats prefer to at least pretend that they embrace progressive values, and thus get those progressive votes...until now.

Are Progressives Democratic Party Imperialists?

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Are progressives democrats? And since it's a fact that the Democratic party, not just the "corporate democrats" and not just the "democratic party establishment", THE democratic party officially FULLY SUPPORTS U.S. imperialism, are progressives also imperialist warmongers?

We Cannot Compromise on the American Vision: Equality for All

There’s been a conflict in this country ever since the era which gave it birth: a conflict between those who have wanted to maintain traditions of privilege and domination, and those who have wanted a country which treats its citizens equally, and guarantees equal rights for all. The vision of equality has prevailed in the conflict thus far, but only by the sustained effort and sacrifice of its citizens.

Is CNN trying to resuscitate itself as a real political network rather than establishment clones?

Times are changing. Sometimes for the better. Hillary Goddam Clinton is being offered a plea deal by Sessions' DOJ to plead guilty to "prosecutable crimes" in return for no further legal actions against her for CGI, uranium one, pay-to-play, and her email scandal which is still producing more poisonous (for her) fruit. My take is that she can NEVER admit that she has done anything wrong and will go down with her Titanic-sized load of garbage rather than admit she was a felon.
