A drone picture
Submitted by QMS on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 6:39pmPublished by Nat.Geo
Attended a presentation by the skipper of this boat doing the Greenland coast.
A local guy. Fascinating photos.

Published by Nat.Geo
Attended a presentation by the skipper of this boat doing the Greenland coast.
A local guy. Fascinating photos.
From the back garden today.
It's been a better year for butterflies. Aside from Monarchs, I've seen Red Admirals, a Spicebush Swallowtail, a Tiger Swallowtail, a Mourning Cloak (Camberwell Beauty).... oh and a Buckeye, amongst others.
Off to make Tea. Feel free to post.
Travelling through Wisconsin.
We enjoyed the 'Toy Story' Clouds.
Any photos, feel free to post
Roasting a duck, so this will be quick.
Well, it was quite a day, I can tell you.
I was sitting in a coffee place on W. 49th St., minding my own business, looking at the crap under my fingernails, when who should wander in but the man himself.
Of course, I really didn't know who the man himself was at the time. Just some suit with a wild, wild haircut.
The place was a little busy, so he plonks himself down on the seat opposite me and starts to regale me with some tale about......
Was a beautiful day in Portland today. (Apologies for the small photo size. My camera takes HUGE pictures, and the compression tool I have kinda sucks...)
This weekend I saw a bunch of butterflies, including two that I've never gotten a decent photo of before, the Fritillary and the Question Mark.
so, here are a few vacation photos from my recent trip to maine. there are more that i'll try to process and share with y'all soon.
sunset on long lake