Some photos from my weekend rambling

This weekend I saw a bunch of butterflies, including two that I've never gotten a decent photo of before, the Fritillary and the Question Mark.

yellow swallowtail:












question mark butterfly:


cecropia caterpillar:


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beautiful, thanks! I haven't seen a yellow swallowtail for a long time. Longwood?

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joe shikspack's picture

but i shot these photos in central pennsylvania, not far from state college, pa. i saw a bunch of monarchs there, i haven't seen any in my neighborhood this year.

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shaharazade's picture

butterflies and the echinacea purpurea. I used to grow them in California and didn't have much luck with them here in Oregon. These days with climate change or permanent el nino's, they would most likely flourish here in the Willamette Valley. That Question Mark butterfly is gorgeous and it's name suits it. Great photography Joe. I hope Marilyn will post some of her photography work here. She too, does inspiring work. I used to paint both insects and echinacea. I liked the caterpillars best as far as subjects for painting. Butterflies are already, ready made art and seem to be redundant in painting. I haven't seen many butterflies this extreme hot year but the bee's in my yard are abundant. Our lavender plants usually kind of anemic are loving the heat and sun. They have gone nut's and are covered with a variety of bees. I also love painting the bees they intrigue me. Thanks for the art it's a reminder of how great life and nature are.

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joe shikspack's picture

in oregon. perhaps around portland there isn't enough regular sunlight for them. i've always liked coneflowers, they are so rich in color and so vibrant.

glad you enjoyed the photos, thanks for the kind words.

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gulfgal98's picture

Seeing these made my day. We all can use some beauty to enjoy. I hope you will post your photos more often.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

I wished I could get to this kind of activities and get to peace with myself.

Beautiful images. I wished I would know the names of plants and butterflies and insects. The fritillary are so delicate. Thank you, Joe.

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smiley7's picture

Crystal clarity in those shots.

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the Fritillary reminds me of Hillary Clinton, now if I could only pinpoint why.

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Thanks for sharing.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

MarilynW's picture

We have tons of swallowtails in downtown but not many others. The swallowtails seem bigger this year.

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To thine own self be true.

joe shikspack's picture

we have lots of swallowtails in our yard this year, but just yesterday a couple of monarchs showed up. it might be a good year for them here, all of our milkweed is going great guns and there seems to be lots of other stuff that they've been checking out. surprisingly, the male monarch seems to like the elderberry bush - go figure!

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