

We got back home from my 50th high school class reunion in the wee hours last night. Debbie says she had a great time. I know I did.

I can't tell you exactly how good it feels to spend the best part of three days with people who accept you for who you were and also for who you've become. You probably either know how that feels or you don't.

Age Hit Me Like a Freight Train

So, where have I been? Thought about just commenting, but figured folks deserved a full explanation.

July 4 was BAD. I was freaking out and had my headphones on at full blast. Even my Cannabis didn't help. So... I woke up two days later with one of the worst ear infections I'd ever had. Was absolutely miserable, and it was all I could do to do 140 character tweets. Pain led to depression, and I ended up sleeping for several days.

on the personal and political

the more alienated I feel.

I woke this morning with an array of seemingly disparate thoughts. Yet, they were mostly spurred from a rambling conversation with friends, last night.

First, the dream snippet I woke up remembering:

"I always wanted to be a death farmer."
Pained, horrified, confused and concerned faces reflected back at her.
"It's not what it seems. I want you to harvest the bounty of your dreams."

Stealth PTSD (DMW TOP Salvage)

I'm in therapy. It's a great feeling to finally be getting better.

However, there's something I'm finding out that really bugging me. For those who don't know, I'm an Iraq war veteran. I served with the 3d ACR in Iraq during their 07-09 deployment. Which means that I was present during what was later called "The worst of the Sectarian Violence", however you want to make a euphemism of that.

A Request to all Lifeboaters Still Posting at GOS

Background: davidincleveland used to be one of my favorite people at DKos. He was in our original lifeboat group. Then, one day, he disappeared not only from the group, but from DKos, from FB--pretty much everywhere I could find. Knowing he had some health problems, I was worried about him. When I couldn't find him, after many months, I concluded (sadly) that he had probably either become incapacitatingly ill, or had died.

Open Thread - Wednesday November 4, 2015

Good Morning, 99%'ers!

I was expecting to be traveling today, heading south to Florida for my 50th high school reunion. Instead, we decided to leave a day early because my husband had some business he needed to take care of today. Because of this and my own procrastination, this open thread diary is being constructed on the fly. Today's diary is a personal one.
