
Main Stream Media Renews "Impeachment Courtroom" for New Season

To fellow writers,

We made it! Another season! Wow, I'm humbled folks. This was honestly one of the easiest writing jobs I've ever had, and I'm shocked that people are enjoying it as much as they are! I mean, we all know nobody wants to admit they watch this stuff, but that's how it is when you write for a soap opera.

Springtime For Hillary

(To The Tune of "Springtime For Hitler" By Mel Brooks)

CHORUS: (Needs to be incredibly ethnically diverse, but all wearing Identical Costumes.)

USA was having trouble
What a sad, sad branding
Needed the right leader to restore
Its global standing
Where, oh, where was she?
Where could that strongindependentwomanwhototallymadeonherown be?
We looked around and then we found
The gal for you and me


I am the very model of a fucked up individual

I am the very model of a Fucked up individual,
I've digested all the blogs, and read the tabloid residual,
I know that England's screwed up, and the Brexit issues's historical
From Washington to London, to say other is heretical; (Breath...)

I frankly do not give a crap about matters mathematical,
Never mind equations, both the simple and quadratical,
As far as I'm concerned you can rant about your interest rate...

HOA guidelines referencing your Home.

Notice #1372

Greetings fellow humans...

We the HOA wish to complain about your home's failure to properly comply with Living Impaired Accessibility. Specifically the removal of staircases which you deliberately and maliciously performed without consulting either the HOA or the local fire safety inspector, who has an additional complaint referenced in earlier letters.

The Legend of Newsland (Post Industrial Tale)

In the time of Magic, there was a marvelous land far across the great sea. Some say this land had survived many previous cycles of magic, and had remained untouched as the great empires of the world waxed, shone and waned.


The Rule of the Complete Fool (CNU Lecture Series)

Cascadia National University Lecture Hall, February 2518

Good morning. Please use the handrails installed on the side of the stairs, use every step on your way to your seats and ensure that you do not encroach on the space of your neighbor. I want to warn you that this lecture may contain information you are not comfortable hearing, and therefore if you have any special concerns please address them now.

Trump The Mad (CNU Lecture)

Cascadia Lecture Hall, January, 2518

Morning folks. Sorry about the temporary hiatus. Unfortunately Family issues became extremely important, and as everybody knows, if your own house isn't in order, you really can't do anything out and about in the world. Now that things have calmed down a bit, we can get back to the subject which everybody's been waiting for quite patiently.

So, today we'll discuss Trump The Mad.

The American Legal System, Conclusion

(Cascadian National University, Odeon, Special Saturday Lecture.)


Good morning on this bleak and windy day, where the rain pours incessantly and each and every one of us fears to look up and check that that is indeed rain pouring on our heads.
