open tummler

Open Tummler 04/12/16

On Sunday evening, and well into the night, I was compelled to draft a 34-page legal brief. I am too old for that sort of thing. And so, now, I am pretty worded out. Thus, here, I think I am just going to free-associate. And see what happens.

Once I asked my brother what was the difference between a "canyon" and a "gorge."

Open Tummler 03/29/16

There weren't a lot of Christians in Pakistan anyway. But now there are fewer. Since some needed to be blown up in a children's park in Lahore on Sunday.

"The target were Christians," said Ehsanullah Ehsan, a spokesman for Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a faction of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. "Our bombers will continue these attacks."
