Open Tummler 10/04/16
Submitted by hecate on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 3:58am
So some Science Men made a study, to determine why the humans kill one another. And it seems like they've decided to blame squirrels.
They went all the way back into human history, did these Science Men, and then into the ways and means of the other primates, and then into the lives and loves of other mammals, and, or so they say, they found there some other mammals, that are sometimes about killing each other, and so, they Concluded, that some distant mammal, somewhere back there, must have been the one, that Invented the Killing.
However, this study, it appears, to contain, Libel.
The researchers found that some species, like bats and whales, hardly ever kill each other. Others, like ground squirrels and tree shrews, do so relatively often.
No. There are ground squirrels all over the place here. They never kill each other. I think, that this study, maybe, it is just shit, made up.