open tummler

Open Tummler 07/12/16

So, according to the readers of the tea leaves—who, it must be said, are wrong, more often than they are right—today there shall occur these two Events: (1) The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he will meet The Mad Bomber, upon a stage, in a high school gymnasium, in New Hampshire, and there he shall endorse her, to be the president; (2) The Hairball, in Indiana, he will publicly get jiggy, with that state's governor, Dick "Six" Pence, whom he shall then name as his vice-presidential running mate, thereby trumpeting, to all the world, the immortal ticket, of Baboon & Buffoon.

These sorts of politics people, they are, in the main, stupid and maxresdefault_4.jpgboring. And they, for sure, do not advance the planet.

However, I feel duty-bound to, at least here, Grump Along With Mitch, about them. At least. For a while.

But, then, we can get down, to what is really wrong. And: more importantly: to what is really right. Like, to some humans, who are advancing, the planet.

With, meanwhile, as filigree, some pleasant, or not so, diversions: Queen Elizabeth, transforming into a lizard person, right there on the television; Anton LaVey, fingered as Mitch Miller; farmering while invisible; and how, if you stop yelling, you can see better.

Open Tummler 07/05/16

Not so long after I moved up here, they hung the Indian in the jail. Sheriff's deputies. They hung him. Three of them. As inevitably occurs, sooner or later, with everyone who works in law-enforcement, these men, they had decided, that the law, it was them. Not the statutes. Not the courts. Not the system. Not the process. Them. And, according to their law, as they conceived and decreed it, sometimes, someone who came into their jail, that person, needed to be dead.

The first two men they killed, they were locked up on serious charges. However, due to the bungling Barney Fifes and hapless Hamilton Bugers, in the cop shop and in the district attorney's office, it was not at all certain, that they would be convicted. There was also, of course, the possibility they were actually innocent. But these three law jockeys, they paid that no mind. They went ahead and killed them. First the one. Then, a couple years later, the other. "Suicide." Duly pronounced so, by the county coroner. A "doctor," allowed only to examine dead people. Because any live person, upon whom he might "practice" medicine, that person, surely, and soon, would be quite dead.

The Indian, he was not in on any serious charge. He'd been picked up but for public drunkenness. Generally, such a person, he would just be held overnight, and then be released. But, for some reason, the three deputies, they decided to hang him. It's not certain, to this day, why. Maybe, posits one theory, he gave them some lip. The Indian, he was known to have a mouth on him. And, all law-enforcement officers, they believe that they possess, a natural-born right, to harass, intimidate, arrest, beat, and sometimes even kill, anyone who gives them any grief, whatsoever. Who, thereby, refuse to acknowledge, their innate and essential godhood. Bestowed by the badge and the gun. For sure, these deputies, they figured that no one would care. That the Indian had "suicided." For, why would they? After all: he was, just, an Indian.

Open Tummler 06/28/16

So the people marketing the movie Independence Day: Resurgence, they decided to create a tube, Independence Day: My Street, "where one could enter their physical address and see their block pulverized by the U.S. Air Force and UFOs."

I am wondering just what sort of sad and serious self-loathing would possess a person, to want to watch their home be destroyed by terrestrial serial killers and alien marauders, when I encounter the next line: "The clever idea backfired when the media noticed that users would enter in the addresses where tragedies took place, i.e. Brussels Airport, Café Bonne Biere in Paris and 1 World Trade Center, the latter generating eerie images reminiscent of 9/11."

Something is wrong with the humans.

Open Tummler 06/21/16

Ah, the Science Men. Remember when they asserted, absolutely positively, that if you were an animal, then you had no brain, and you could feel no pain? Seems like only yesterday. That's because it was.

But, these days, some of the Science Men, they are starting, dimly, to perceive, as through a glass darkly, that when it comes to understanding the animals, they understand nothing at all.

Like cats. And physics. Some Japanese Science Men, they have now learned that cats know physics. And that they've known physics a lot longer than have the humans. And that they know physics better, too.

Open Tummler 06/14/16

mommy i love you

Pulse, it proves that those who deride and sneer at what they call "identity politics," they are absolutely right. Because gay people, they are, like, totally safe and stuff. They are just like everybody else, gay people, and that is the way they are regarded and treated—just like everybody else—and by everyone, and all over the world. And so the gay people, they should leave off all that gay wedding cake dilettantism, and get down to what is really important. Like, you know: money. They should all be out auditing the fed, buying some gold, bathing in rubles. That Omar Mateen fellow, he did not kill all those Pulse people because they were gay. Heavens no. Instead, he targeted them because of . . . uh . . . uh . . . uh . . . uh . . . class! Yeah. That's it. That's the ticket. Class.

in club they shooting

It is really so peculiar. How so many of the humans. They so order their lives. Around books written by people. Who are so . . . dead.

Openly Eccentric Tummler 06/07/16

(Because this past weekend a Monster ate the site, detroitmechworks was unable to post on Sunday his usual Openly Eccentric open thread. This is neither Right, nor Fair. Thus, this here is a combo of the customary Open Tummler of a Tuesday, and also the Openly Eccentric offering that detroitmechworks would have published Sunday. If only there had not been the Monster.)
