Open Tummler 07/12/16
Submitted by hecate on Tue, 07/12/2016 - 8:01am
So, according to the readers of the tea leaves—who, it must be said, are wrong, more often than they are right—today there shall occur these two Events: (1) The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he will meet The Mad Bomber, upon a stage, in a high school gymnasium, in New Hampshire, and there he shall endorse her, to be the president; (2) The Hairball, in Indiana, he will publicly get jiggy, with that state's governor, Dick "Six" Pence, whom he shall then name as his vice-presidential running mate, thereby trumpeting, to all the world, the immortal ticket, of Baboon & Buffoon.
These sorts of politics people, they are, in the main, stupid and boring. And they, for sure, do not advance the planet.
However, I feel duty-bound to, at least here, Grump Along With Mitch, about them. At least. For a while.
But, then, we can get down, to what is really wrong. And: more importantly: to what is really right. Like, to some humans, who are advancing, the planet.
With, meanwhile, as filigree, some pleasant, or not so, diversions: Queen Elizabeth, transforming into a lizard person, right there on the television; Anton LaVey, fingered as Mitch Miller; farmering while invisible; and how, if you stop yelling, you can see better.