Open Tummler 03/15/16

You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

—Franz Kafka

Something has washed up on Bonfil Beach in Acapulco. It appears to be dead. No one knows what it is. It is 13 feet long, it is just lying there, and people are poking at it. "We have no idea what type of animal this is," says Civil Guard coordinator Rosa Camacho, "but I do know that it does not smell bad or have a fetid aroma."

I know what it is. It is a Fringe event. Stop poking at it. Back away slowly, and call Dr. Walter Bishop. He will Know.


Seems kinda Fringey to me, the spin on the three state elections in Germany this past Sunday. The results, they are being portrayed as some sort of horrifying atavistic blow to all sense and sanity, with the German electorate ululating that all the refugees should go into Really Bad Camps, while Chancellor Angela Merkel, she should run weeping and screaming, and into a nunnery.

Except, if you look closely at what really happened, you learn that what really happened, was: nothing. Three sitting governors were returned to office. And all three favor Merkel's refugee policy.

Apparently what occurred was a hallucinatory group-agreement press-driven Expectation "failure": to wit, Merkel's "Christian Democrats failed to wrest control of two states in western Germany where they had once been expected to do so."

Oh. Okay.

Also, there is the foaming about some of the people voting for the yeehaw rightbent populist party. But most of these were not voters suddenly losing their minds. But instead mouth-breathers, stumbling out of caves, and crawling out from under rocks, to vote for the first time: "[v]oter patterns analyzed by pollsters for the two public service broadcasters showed that the Alternative for Germany drew support from people who traditionally do not vote"; "[i]n Saxony-Anhalt, people who did not vote in previous elections were the biggest source of the new party's support."

This is typical, the emergence of un-monolithed cave-dwellers, when there occurs in a people some sort of authoritarian spasm. As Wilhelm Reich knew, and as the US has itself experienced recently, first with the teabaggers, and now with the people of The Hairball.

As Jesus said: "two-bit ignorant peckerwoods, they will always be with us." What is required is that they remain a minority (as they are in the US, and in Germany; they are dead-enders, people in the last throes of whiteness), lest they march everyone down a road of bones.

Just a quick note: the Americans, they have never really been much for voting. In the presidential election of 1824, for instance, "[i]n spite of the fact that this was the first howe_2-052809.jpgtime the people would choose between men whom they themselves had nominated instead of those thrust upon them by the party machines, less than five percent voted."

Egyptian Justice Minister Ahmed al-Zend, attempting to demonstrate his zeal and devotion to the job, went on the television and said he would jail Mohammad himself, if Mohammad in Egypt were to become a miscreant, and there break the law.

Zend was promptly fired, and now he is probably going to the Dungeon.

Implicit in the rapid and severe official response to Zend's remark, is that Mohammad should feel perfectly free to roam around Egypt committing Crimes, and without consequence. So I think the fellow, he should experiment with this. I know that Mohammad, he is pretty bored where he is these days, usually doing not much but playing chess with Jesus all the live-long day. So I think he should book a trip to Egypt, and there maybe rob a couple liquor stores, steal some cars, run a red light or two. If he sees some heads that look like they need to be cut off, he could go for that too. Test the limits of his immunity.

Somebody in China is in trouble, too, because they put the word "zuihou" in the newspaper, rather than "zuigao." Thereby transforming Xi Jinping from "China's highest leader," to "China's last leader."

Jeez. Xi, he had just toured the nation's media outlets, instructing them to "protect the party's authority and unity." And now this.

If you make a typo in China, there can be Trouble.

Typos involving high-level Chinese leaders can lead to punishment for the journalists involved. In December, a phrase intended to explain that Mr. Xi gave a speech in Africa was jumbled to suggest that Mr. Xi had resigned.


Typos can also be deadly elsewhere in the world. In 2009 a UK government registry mistakenly typoed that a century-old family business was in liquidation. It wasn't, but everyone Believed the typo, and, as a result, the company really did go bust.

Engineering firm Taylor & Sons Ltd was mistakenly listed on a UK government company register as being in liquidation when it was really another company — Taylor & Son Ltd (without the second "s")—that had Unknown-1.jpeggone under. Once this information got out to creditors, suppliers started terminating orders.

The mistake was caught within a few days, but by then, the damage was already done.

Managing director and co-owner Philip Davison-Sebry said he was on vacation in the Maldives when this all happened, and it was "like Armageddon" with clients calling him and asking what was going on.

The company fell apart within two months.

Sometimes when I am making the legal briefs, I am trying to type "does not," but instead I type "doe snot." A couple times I didn't catch this, and neither did anyone else. So then the judge, when s/he received the brief, had to assess the nature and meaning of the Law, in regards to doe snot.

Some dogs, they were sniffing the airplanes at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in Serbia, when one dog had a frenzy. The humans, they rushed over to see what was the problem. And discovered two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, packed in wooden coffins, and bound for Portland, Oregon. Such missiles weigh 100 pounds and cost $110,000 and are used by serial killers to blow aircraft out of the sky. These had landed on a flight from Lebanon. Generally, Hellfire missiles, they are sent from the United States to places like Lebanon. But not these. These were traveling in the opposite direction. These were of the fabled chickens. Coming home to roost.

In other nasal news, they are sending to Mars a giant nose, to sniff out whether there is anything there the humans might consider "life."

A second space probe, it was recently dispatched to a Hairball rally, where it detected no trace of higher brain functioning.

Yes, today they will be making the president, and in five states: Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida.

Until a week ago, all the Normals, they were comfortably smug, in Knowing what today would happen: The Mad Bomber, in the Democratic version, and The Hairball, in the Republican version, they would uber alles to such a mammoth magnitude that all their presidenting opponents, they would be, in the immortal words of Hunter S. Thomspon, "hurled out to sea and stomped down like a dwarf in a shitrain."

But now, now there is fear, and trembling. Because, in the Democratic version of the president, last Tuesday, in Michigan, The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he broke the polls.

No one, not even Nostrildamus, predicted the Deli Man would come close in Michigan, much less win. But he did.

The polls, today they remain broken. And, in them, the Deli Man is doing just what he did in Michigan: galloping up closer to The Mad Bomber. If the poll-breaking manifests again today, the Deli Man, he will prevail in Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio, and should come so close in North Carolina he will cause the Bomber to need many Doctors.

North Carolina, and Florida, these are the last two states on The Mad Bomber's infamous Black Like Me tour: after them, there won't be any more. And so, she will be in Trouble.

If the Deli Man, he is the Winner in North Carolina, as well as in Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri, then Rocket J. Squirrel, proprietor of the Daily Kos tube, he will need to forthwith enforce the edict he announced earlier this month:

I will no longer tolerate malicious attacks on our presumptive presidential nominee or our presidential efforts. What does that mean?

No attacks on Bernie Sanders using right-wing tropes or sources. He's had 30 years of bullshit flung at him from the Right, there’s no need to have Daily Kos give them an assist.

If your goal is to make Sanders a better candidate and president, that's allowed. Constructive criticism falls under that rubric. If your goal is to sabotage Sanders, then that won't be allowed.

Again, that is what can be in the eye of the beholder, but that's how moderators will evaluate these matters. If your goal is to make Sanders better, then great! If your goal is to destroy him, then boo hiss.

Rocket J., and all the people of the Kos tube, they will must needs kiss The Mad Bomber, goodbye.


Over in the Republican version of the president, there is turmoil because, last Saturday, The Hairball, he was erased from this universe.

The effects of this were seen almost immediately. In the Saturday caucus in Washington DC, The Hairball was completely invisible: Mondo Boobio earned 10 delegates, and Death Of A Salesman nine; The Hairball, he didn't get any at all. Over in Wyoming, Zed Crud gathered in nine delegates, while Boobio picked up one; The Hairball, he got one, lonely, delegate.

The Hairball, he will not do as well today as expected. Because he has been erased from this universe. In an early episode of the Bald Man version of the true-life documentary-series Star Trek, a couple of holo-thugs manage to get to the door of the holodeck, and open it onto the ship. Ecstatic, elated, they step from the holodeck, into the ship. Then they find it difficult to move. They look down, and discover that, from the bottom up, they are dissolving. Because they were not meant, to live in that world.

That is what is happening to The Hairball. He has been erased, and he is dissolving. It will just take a while. That's all.

I will be disoriented today, because Sunday they made the daylight saving time, where they come into the time and just rip an hour out. This causes auto accidents, and also people to go mental. It is for sure a hardship for me, because several years ago I contracted an Anathem jones, and as a result there are more clocks here than even in Geppetto's workshop.


Like Geppetto there, despite all the clocks, I have to check a watch, to determine "what time it is." Because whenever they do this thing with changing the time, the prospect of resetting all the clocks in the house, it plunges me into such despair that I simply lay down, pull the blankets over my head, and then rock back and forth, and for many days, in a fugue state.

I did some research on daylight saving time once, and I discovered it was the idea of a man in New Zealand who wanted more light to look at bugs. And it was first implemented by the Germans, in WWI, so they could save coal, which would enable them to kill more people.

But, you know: today, it is a different world. We have flashlights now, so people can look at bugs whenever they want, even when it is dark. And everyone is pretty much in agreement that the Germans, there in the 20th Century, they killed their quota of humans for, oh, the next 350,000 years. So I don't know why we need to keep going with this nonsense.

One year when there was the clock-changing, I reset the clocks to various different-one hours, so that it was, here, at all times, all and every hour of the day, and night. I had also somehow accumulated four calendars, so I put them up, in different places in the house, open to various random months. And so, here, it was, at any one time, all the times, as well as many of the days. And, I liked it, like that.

This continued until there was the screaming on the telephone, from the lawyers. Who kept claiming I was "late," delivering various projects. They would assert it was, say, 3 p.m. on March 24. But I would reply that, in my house, it was, oh—glancing at some random clock and calendar—9 a.m. on February 24. And so they should calm down, take a stress pill. Because the thing, whatever it was, it wasn't truly due, for eons.

Eventually, sorrowfully, I had to give this up. Else the lawyers, they would stop giving me the monies, for the projects, that I never delivered; without the monies, I wouldn't be able to buy the batteries, to keep the clocks running, on all the times.

In the actual Adventures of Pinocchio book, not the Disney movie, Pinocchio, he is really quite Bad. He squishes the cricket with a hammer, he has Geppetto falsely arrested as a child molester, he spends five months partying it up on an island called Cocaine. I am not making this up; these are True Facts; you can go look for yourself. I know: I was Pinocchio; also, in a play. Once upon a time. Where myself and the guy who played Geppetto, we shamelessly and deliberately overacted in the scene where we were reunited in the whale. The director, she didn't like that, and she told us to cut it out. And we would try to be Good, like Pinocchio. But, every night, like Pinocchio, we were Bad. Because the lines, they were just so sappy. And so the bad and wrong overacting, it would every night come out again.

And, anyway, like, what was the director going to do? Run out on the stage and start Yelling? That would have been interesting, for sure . . . but then it would have been a different play.

Later, my daughter liked it, when she was quite wee, and we drove around, me at the wheel, her there in the little car seat, if I would sing little snatches of song. One snatch I would sing was "the world is a ghetto." Except I would sing: "the world is Geppetto." This continued until one day she said, very firmly, "daddy, the world is not Geppetto." So I had to stop. Because she's a Capricorn. And when Capricorns become very serious, and yet you don't do what they say, they will Get you. Even when they are only three.

And anyway: she's right. The world, it is not Geppetto. But neither, as the song itself concedes, is it a ghetto. It is, as ever, what you make of it. Like. Way over yonder. In the clear blue sky. Where flamingoes fly.



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gulfgal98's picture

Yeah, I am up before the time I should be. And when I think about the fact that we are on daylight time, that means I lost even more sleep due to "springing forward." Instead of getting up earlier, I should be sleeping in. Unknw

Today's OT had me laughing out loud. But I need to remind myself that I should not click on some of the links as they can go to disturbing places. Shok

Thanks once again for a great OT. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

the bad time-robbing, it has left you wide awake, in America. ; (

I always like it, when you laugh. ; )

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Bisbonian's picture

we don't change the clocks. Most people really like it. We don't even change the calendar. When you drive through the Time Tunnel, on Hwy 80, you emerge from the other end in 1974. Right now, for instance, it is 7:25 AM, 1974. This works well to keep my 1971 VW bus (Mabel) running perfectly...but when Mabel leaves Bisbee, she usually has problems. In Tombstone, some 25 miles north, it is always 1881. That's a bit more dangerous, and frankly, I don't know how they do it, as they don't even have a tunnel.

I say 'most people' like it, because it confuses me. You see, the airplanes I fly, they belong in Dallas, and they set the clocks in the airplanes in Dallas. So I have to figure out, based on my clock, which never changes, when I have to go to work. I realized that it would be easier to remember that I like to play in the snow in the winter, and surf in the summer. What that really means is that in the winter, my clock says the same as clocks in Denver, and therefore I will only be an hour late to the plane set in Dallas. In the summer, my clock says the same as clocks in San Diego (and Santa Cruz), so I will be two hours late. Sometimes, it's really just too complicated, flying airplanes.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

hecate's picture

that Arizona is a bastion of Freedom, in re the time. This makes up, sorta, partially, for stuff like Sheriff Joe, Barry G., blowing up Don Bolles, the infinite stigmata of Steven Spielberg, and the fact that it is so hot in that state, that only a Venusian, can really, comfortably, live there.

1974, that was a good year. I was, then, immortal. 1881, that was a bit more reckless of a time. For if you then even stepped on a nail, or got a tooth infection, chances are, you would go to the boneyard. Unless you encountered Doc Holliday. In a good mood, and a more or less sober, moment. In 1881, also, they don't have the gas. So you want to make sure you move, in and out of there, before Mabel runs dry. But then, you already know that. ; )

As an airplane man, you are always traveling through time. It is always changing on you. That must, kinda, rattle the bones.

I think it is very wrong, that they make the airplane clocks be of Dallas. Because Dallas, very soon, it will no longer exist.


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Bisbonian's picture

But in Bisbee, we have a secret. Downtown is at 5300 feet above sea level. Parts of town go up to 6000. I don't even have an air conditioner.

You're right about time travel...I once took off from the Philippines, and landed in North Dakota the day before I left.

I stay out of Tombstone as much as possible:

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

hecate's picture

so you are not in Phoenix. Maybe there will be, like, an Atlas shrug, and that place can get elevated to 6000 feet, too.

Did you see the solar eclipse the other day that ended the day before it began? It totally broke time. Like the Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he broke the polls.

Doc, he had a Cough.


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Bisbonian's picture

I was asleep. It was my Break time Smile

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Granma's picture

This is completely off the subject, but...There were live bullets and real blood, instead of blanks, at a reenactment of OK corral shootout a few months ago. Do you know what happened with that? Did they figure out the how and who responsible for live bullets? It annoys me that news of the day has so little follow up much of the time. It always on to new murder or mayhem.

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Bisbonian's picture

One of my friends was just missed...the bullet hit a metal sign above his head, and ricocheted to hit the tourist woman.

The shooter/"actor" (the 'acting' in these re-enactments is worse than abysmal) He arrived late. There is some sort of official who is supposed to check the weapons for blanks, but since he arrived late, there was no time! And ultimately, no real consequences. (for him, I mean...obviously a couple of other people suffered consequences.) Woops! My bad!

There is nothing going on in Tombstone really worth the time to go there. Oh, except the Fourth Saturday of the month, 5-8PM in front of the Saba's western wear store. The Arthritis Brothers, wearing old west clothes, play Old Time dance tunes with fiddle, banjo, and guitar. And dodging bullets, when the shooting starts. I play banjo....

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Shahryar's picture

I imagine all towns in Arizona besides Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe and Tucson have about 25 people in them so there must be only one Andrew.

Last night we were watching Peter Gunn, starring Cary Grant Craig Stevens. They did a great job of finding vintage automobiles. I liked the beatnik character who said "Crazy, Daddy". I wonder if anyone ever really said that in 1959 but it sounded like authentic vintage beatnik chat, patois, argot, vernacular,

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Bisbonian's picture

Double post. See below.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Bisbonian's picture

If he is the former railroad man/mountain biking around Oregon/welding/drumming/house remodeling Andrew. He's pretty prominent in town, so I assume he's the one. Oddly enough, my partner used to be his girlfriend. Now he is a good friend to both of us. That's Bisbee. Craaazy, Daddy.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Shahryar's picture

He lived across the street from us before moving away.

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Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Shahryar's picture

'cause as you'd expect, I was joking. We always say that, don't we? Especially if someone we know is going to New York. "While you're there, say hi to ...."

It's always fun when Andrew shows up again here in Portland. The street's changing, the city is changing. Shaharazade (she's the "C", as in "Cindy") and I have been talking about finding some arty place out of here. From what we hear, Bisbee is one of those places. We'll likely stay in Oregon....if we can find what we're looking for.

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

"UPDATE: The Lebanese army said two missiles found on a passenger flight from Lebanon to Serbia and bound for Portland were used for training and did not contain any explosives."

Batteries (and explosives) not included?

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First Nations News

hecate's picture

they were in the other coffin.

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gulfgal98's picture

a massive amount of fried chicken. Blum 3 Hee, hee.

These were of the fabled chickens. Coming home to roost.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

to the YouTube tube, you will find there many extreme and disturbing worshippings, of fried chicken.


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Yummy part at the very end Wink Just gimme fried chicken
Queen - One Vision (Official Video)

I wanted to post in yesterday's ot because my brother's death day is the same as his birth day. Was that yesterday?
Who wants to live forever? is the song that really destroys me. Hear more Freddy and Queen: Queen - Making of One Vision (full)


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Bisbonian's picture

Since the bomb sniffing dogs supposedly smelled the explosives. Someone is lying, somewhere.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

smiley7's picture

Baby-siting two wonderful dogs this week: Bruno, a black lab, big as a bear and Sadie, a sweet one-year-old girl. We were up early, walking in the dark listening to birds and smelling the wet grass.
My clock says it time for a huge revolution, may it happen in those photo booths today.
Great read, as always, hecate; many thanks and a good day to all.

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hecate's picture

May the nostrils of your canine companions, encounter no Hellfires.

And may your clock tick over, to the revolution you desire.

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gulfgal98's picture

Dogs make life just a little nicer, don't they? Look into a dogs eyes and you will see love.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Pluto's Republic's picture

As Jesus said: "two-bit ignorant peckerwoods, they will always be with us."


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hecate's picture

say that. He even put it out on his twit machine. Together with such wisdoms as:


Busy morning. Shoved some demons into pigs, healed a leper, raised a stinking dead guy. Gonna get pizza now.



You will know I am the Lord your God, because I am fucking tweeting with a big-ass nail hammered through my wrist!

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

My husband does the altering lyrics bit to amuse himself all the time. His version of "Guantanamera" substitutes "Wontons With Mayo" so of course this song is permanently destroyed for me. (No, we don't eat wontons with mayo, and I hate mayo and it doesn't even have a spot in our fridge)

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

hecate's picture

it is "Guano-tanamera."


Mayonnaise is against god and man. You are right to deny it, any and all access.

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Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

For some reason both my brother and I developed this aversion as small children for no discernible reason. We can't recall any trauma related to mayo that seared our psyche or anything . But my entire life, every backyard barbecue and pot luck and office party and birthday celebration was an obstacle course of avoiding all the potato salads and pasta salads and tuna and chicken salads and fruit salads and pre-made sandwiches and jello salads and salad dressings like Thousand Island. America runs on mayo. I like the components of mayo - egg, check. oil, check. but the resulting emulsion just nauseates me. I use vinaigrette as my substitute. Which my husband calls Ving-a-rette, just to annoy me. Sigh.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

detroitmechworks's picture

That's one I recently developed a strong affection for after years of hating even the idea of it as a child. Perhaps it's growing up with an anglophile grandfather, but I find that it's a great compliment for red meats...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Phoebe Loosinhouse's picture

Horseradish cream is a must have with roast beef and also as a drizzle on a French Dip sandwich. I like Wasabi but sometimes it can be too hot and overpowers everything else.

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" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "

gulfgal98's picture

Ketchup and horseradish is essential on a hamburger, even a veggie burger! Biggrin

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

is completely fun to grow. It has been here since the dinosaurs. When you look at the plants, you can see the dinosaurs, moving among them. It is, in addition, immortal. If you leave even the tiniest sliver of a root in the ground, it will make a new plant. It cannot be stopped. It is, also, Medicine.

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detroitmechworks's picture

like nobody's business. Smile

Of course, since I'm fairly new to the alternative medicine scene, I'm just getting a handle on things that work for me.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

hecate's picture

horseradish, just right, in the cheese, you will surmount even Jesus, and enter Kabbalic Hasid.


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hecate's picture

totally foul. You start with an egg, and then you add oil; and if you keep adding oil, you will eventually cover the globe, with the stuff. It is Danger, and a Menace, and it needs to be Stopped.

Once upon a time, I used to call Armando the mayonnaise of Daily Kos. That's how bad it is.

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gulfgal98's picture

People look at me like I am crazy because I do not eat mayo. But then, I do not eat eggs either. I am weird like that. Wacko

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

hecate's picture

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detroitmechworks's picture

I've started burning a stick of incense in the morning.

Really makes for a positive note around the house. Just wish I didn't have to go to the skeeviest shop around my house to get it. I find a lot of the things I enjoy have unfortunate associations.

Course that seems to be anything that challenges the status quo nowadays. If you're not toeing the line you're associated with some kind of crime. When is the tipping point when the vast majority of citizens no longer consider themselves part of what is considered "Polite Society"? I wonder.

Ah well, should stop commenting and get back to writing. Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

hecate's picture

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Bisbonian's picture

when the vast majority of citizens no longer consider themselves part of what is considered "Polite Society"? I wonder.

When "polite society" is called "politically correct", and the unwashed masses start thinking about electing a Drumpf.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X


The FBI conducted a three-year investigation, dubbed "Seizing Thunder," into a animal-rights and environmental "terrorists" in the Pacific Northwest that devolved into widespread—and seemingly pointless—surveillance of activists for no apparent reason aside from the fact that they were anarchists, or protested the war in Iraq, or were "militant feminists."
Another high point of the file shows agents conducting surveillance on the Grower's Market, a "not-for-profit food-buying club for buying organic and natural foods" in Eugene, and then literally tailing two random Subaru Legacys (naturally!) to a political rally. As the redacted memo recounting the excursion makes clear, the agents had no idea who they were following, or why.
And don't forget the menace posed by punk rock as performed by anarchists. This memo shows that the bureau's Los Angeles office kept tabs on an the Alternative Gathering Collective, "an anarchist group in Los Angeles that organizes anarchist punk music concerts, many of which are fundraisers for animal liberation and environmental extremist groups and causes."
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On the surface this sounds good.

China’s central bank has drafted rules for a tax on foreign-exchange transactions to curb currency speculation, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday. The initial rate of the Tobin tax may be kept at zero to allow authorities time to refine the rules, people with knowledge of the matter said. In other words, for now Beijing will use it simply to monitor who's trading yuan and by how much in its usual fashion of market control, which starts with getting full transparency on who's active in it.


China may be shooting itself in the foot again as it tries to control the market. A plan to introduce a Tobin tax on yuan trading may increase volatility instead of reducing it. It may also push more currency trading overseas, making it increasingly difficult for the People's Bank to keep the offshore exchange rate aligned with the onshore one.

China's government doesn't have a good record when it comes to controlling the markets. Consider the stock market.

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hecate's picture


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because there are lots more charts on the way

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mimi's picture

I think is worth reading. I heard about it this morning through an interview with the author Jeffrey Goldberg on Charlie Rose.
The Obama Doctrine
The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world. - By JEFFREY GOLDBERG

I don't know if this is old for you, but from the little I catched listening to the Charlie Rose interview I would say it's worth reading the article and listening to Charlie Rose's interview of Jeffrey Goldberg. I can't find the video yet.

I heard the words "Obama getting fatalistic" ... no wonder, I am getting that too...

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mimi's picture

I know it's excellent, always. Need to catch up later. Have a good day, all.

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mimi's picture

at least something to get joy out of. Smile

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Shahryar's picture

kind of fun to watch as the implosion nears.

So in this diary about Tim Canova being denied access to the Dem Party's voting database I figured somebody, sooner or later, would think it was a fine idea and who should it be but Adam B!

It appears to be policy set on the state party level, not the national level, and it makes sense. Why shouldn’t state parties favor incumbents?

I mean, that's a stunner. As if he doesn't understand democracy.

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Bisbonian's picture

since long before the edict came down. I did a diary on a misleading mailer the AZ Repubs were sending out, and he continually argued that there was no problem with it. Must have figured it was a hindrance to Bernie, I guess.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Granma's picture

This site very fast!!!
I'm accessing on an IPad via wifi. (Orange takes at least 4 times as long.)

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