A Muse

Who is going to pay for this

So far Herr Hair wants:

  • He wants £54 billion more to the MIC so that makes a total of around $700billion including veterans affairs.
  • Promised more tax cuts for the wealthy.
  • Promised spending on infrastructure.
  • Promised the reduction of the national debt.
  • Promised not to touch Social Security or Medicare.
  • Then promised to slash government spending [seriously WTF]

Who are we going to threaten to pay for all of this?

I've Never Felt Quite Like This Before.

In fact I've never been this close to shredding my US passport in my life.[It's a criminal offence, you have to send it back intact.]

Watching CPAC and the Trump circus last week was more than depressing.

Watching the MSM carry on both publicizing and criticizing at the same time the snake-oil salesmen in the White House is quite frankly just mind numbing.

A Day in the Life of the Twitter Account of Hair Trump

When viewed at a sufficiently great distance [I'm just hoping the Atlantic is wide enough] the meltdown of a sociopath on twitter can be quite amusing.

Easy-D: aka Hair Trump is providing much needed hilarity in these interesting times.


Trump Hammers Wall St!

It is truly brutal, as he promised he is going after Wall St

If there's anyone who's against Wall Street, it's Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, who basically lives off of the funding from Wall Street. Paul Manafort

Paul Manafort if you remember well was Chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 United States Presidential campaign.
