The US Is A Rogue State
This article [pdf] is now completely outdated. Appeasement does not work.
On paper, the United States champions 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' for every individual. In practice, these ideals have been assaulted as long as they have existed. This gap is the messy middle between the conflicting views of America as the country that God blessed and as the ultimate rogue state. Acknowledging some of the enormous potential for good inherent in the US does not make you a fully paid-up member of the Bush axis. We must not forget past foreign-policy crimes (ours as well as theirs) but calling the US a rogue state is the wrong way to go about changing American behaviour and will do nothing to help create a better world order.
What is the solution? Critics of the original rogue-state policy provide part of the answer - critical engagement. That means exhorting the US to set foreign policy according to its democratic ideals and the international standard of human rights. This may sound utopian, and undoubtedly it will be a struggle to achieve it in practice. However, the creation of a safer, fairer world will be inaugurated not by naming rogue states, but by reforming states.
For years as the article states we have elected Rogue leaders and the reaction of America's client states such as the UK have more than willingly joined in, let alone actually resisted.
The history of US intervention in Central and South America should offer proof enough.
The history of clandestine then open warfare for oil in the Middle East should have underlined that.
Let us not forget the insidious actions carried out under the pretence of the Cold War which was often enough anything but cold.
We committed then auto-pardoned itself of War Crimes and crimes against humanity time after time especially within our own borders, the latest torture scandal is but one of many.
This has continued with the bombing within sovereign nations with complete disregard of the targeted country's government, people and human rights.
The US Government considers this type of action its inalienable right. The war on Terror means that it is no longer necessary to declare war on any one State under the current AUMF all that has to be proved is "Threat" and or "terror" no proof need be provided to nor permission sought from congress.
The US government is now leading a global war on science putting untold millions at imminent risk.
"It would be a tragedy for the United States and the people of the United States if the U.S. becomes a kind of rogue country, the only country in the world that is somehow not going to go ahead with the Paris Agreement," Robinson said in an interview with the Thomson Reuters Foundation on Sunday.
As for upholding the rights of its own citizens, ask the Sioux Nation, ask all Native Americans, ask African Americans, ask Latinos, ask women, ask the poor and ask the 120 million or so that cannot even be bothered to participate in a rigged political system/duopoly.
Now our government attacks vetted refugees and sends children back to high risk areas based on religion or colour. We want to build walls to keep them out! Who will keep the US out?
They say the last refuge of the rich when they think they are threatened by the left is a fascist state, we are on the brink, will "the people" pull back them back or just go along as usual?
Mealy mouthed assessments of the US have proved futile and will remain futile. Rogue Presidents and Congresses are the norm, not the exception.
I'll leave you with a bit of Chomsky from the time of the last administration
The three examples highlighted in the New York Times report of US terrorism are only the tip of the iceberg. Nevertheless, it is useful to have this prominent acknowledgment of Washington’s dedication to murderous and destructive terror operations and of the insignificance of all of this to the political class, which accepts it as normal and proper that the US should be a terrorist superpower, immune to law and civilized norms.
Oddly, the world may not agree. An international poll released a year ago by the Worldwide Independent Network/Gallup International Association (WIN/GIA) found that the United States is ranked far in the lead as “the biggest threat to world peace today,” far ahead of second-place Pakistan (doubtless inflated by the Indian vote), with no one else even close.
Now the US seems to be intent on becoming once again the worlds biggest polluter and spreading the toxic lies of Climate Change denial around the world. This puts billions of lives at greater risk from flooding, famine, mass migrations and war. At what point is the US labelled - Global Pariah?
Just waiting for the next President to be "not as bad as" does not work.

But, bbut..according to the NYT editors:
I had to double check I wasn't reading The Onion.
Worthy of a double take indeed.
We exported so much democracy that we have none left
here at home.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Yet look how many still believe that crap.
We've got the Obama worshipers nodding yes, we need to drone those evildoers into democracy and beat down the Russians, for freedom. Then we've got the Chris Kyle worshipers on the other side, nodding yeah, smoke those fuckin' savages, for freedom and democracy!
As MLK stated
this country is the greatest purveyor of violence
Since 1945 our country has killed over 1.3 billion people and spent $42 trillion on wars that go against the Nuremberg law which states that the ultimate war crime is invading another country that hasn't threatened it. Just imagine what that money could have been spent on here at home.
This country started with genocide of the Native Americans and since the Monroe doctrine was signed has invaded countless countries and killed over a billion people not to defend our country but to make sure that the corporations can steal other country's resources. Smedley Butler told us that he had spent 33 years providing muscle for the corporations.
I looked at the list of war crimes that this country has committed and this one was left off the list.
After the Iraqi army left Kuwait our military killed tens of thousands Iraqi troops on the Highway of Death.

I can not fathom how any person could callously do this to helpless human beings. I just can't.
People are upset with Trump for the failed mission in Yemen because an American soldier lost his life and a $75 million helicopter had to be destroyed.
Some people are upset with the number of civilians who were killed but mostly they want to blame Trump for his incompetence because he approved the mission during dinner and wasn't in the situation room when it went down like Obama and Hillary were when the OBL mission was happening.
This photo looks staged to me because I'm pretty sure that the situation room is much larger than the room in this picture. Maybe I have watched too much television and seen other situation rooms?
And I see that many people on DK are upset with the Yemen government because they have said that our military isn't welcome to use the air base anymore because of the number of civilians that were killed during the raid that we are being told was essential because we got great intelligence of future terrorists' threats against our country.
I have been surprised by a number of issues that the people on that website were okay with, but I never thought that some people there would be upset about the military not being able to drop bombs on innocent people. I wonder if they know that Obama dropped over 26,000 bombs last year or 72 a day? I guess that it's okay because using drones is better than risking American troop's lives. That was what I have been told a few times when I commented about that.
Has there been a time when this country wasn't a rogue country?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The MSF Kunduz bombing told me all I needed to know
... ever heard about "The War of 1812"? -- refer especially to the sentence "The British government ... believed it to have been an opportunistic ploy by President Madison to annex Canada while Britain was fighting a ruinous war with France"). Didn't work out so well -- the monied interests got their asses kicked (DC and much of the East Coast burned to the ground; every attempt to capture Canada turned back w/big losses, etc.). Jackson's "victory" at New Orleans was an afterthought, and occurred after a peace treaty already had been signed, which ensured that the U.S. would never again attempt to capture Canada (oh, except that the U.S. DID again try to capture Canada, in the 1850s). Oh, well --
... happened just about 30 years after the "Revolutionary victory", and most of the "revolutionary" slaveholders who lead it were still in power. Basically started as a war of conquest -- the U.S. monied interests decided that it would be a really great idea to invade Canada (resources, you know), and take it over from the Brits (When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I think my ex-husband had to
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
La Fem, your entire premise is based on a flawed concept
that being that the U.S. of A. is not "exceptional". Of course we are and if you persist in asserting otherwise, we shall need to label you as a terrorist for peacefully opposing our government's legitimate campaign of mayhem, torture and murder. You must realize that we HAVE TO fly those planes and sail those carriers because...well, somebody's got to do it. Besides, think about all those business opportunities we'll be missing out on by not destroying other countries. Of course, if you're not in the upper .02%, you won't get any swag. But why be selfish about this? Really, where is John Fucking Wayne when we need him to wipe out them injuns at Standing Rock? So lets ban all Muslims and others living in the seven countries rightfully marked for destruction so that there will be more fish in the barrel, so to speak. If you keep up this brazen truth-telling, I may be compelled to report you to the Ministry of Approved Information. That re-education process might give you second thoughts before publishing scurrilous truths--for which we have numerous Alternative Facts to combat your misguided beliefs.
And SnoopyDawg, don't be so smug with your "facts" and statistics. You are a dupe and co-conspirator in this plot to discredit the America-is-Exceptional premise upon which our great nation was founded.
Consider yourselves chastised and sin no more, or...
Forgive me American Jesus for I have sinned.
You mean John Wayne, the "Hammerhead Shark"?
Man, I miss that guy. As good as Taibbi is and as much as he resembles the Great King Gonzo, no one writes with the ferocious and hilarious righteousness, flair, vigor and incisiveness of which he was capable.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@Mark from Queens Yeah, that Thompson
It feels like that's what we're doing though,
waiting for the next president. Or waiting for some politician to come along and save us. It seems like that's the same thing playing out everywhere, everyone is waiting for that right politician or political party to change things.
That's not going to happen, we're going to have to save ourselves.
It does indeed.
Except that we (here) are not the United States of America.
We c99percenters are a minor subset of the Disunited Constituencies of America. What's the mysterious glue that binds all these constituencies together? What makes Americans think they are all part of the same entity, even though they might disagree about almost everything, and often hate one another's guts?
In one sense, perhaps, but the bulk of Americans qualified to vote are Indies or those who do not vote, a fair percentage of which evidently know that there's nothing to vote for in either half of the Two-Faced Corporate Party.
Perhaps now that it's been shown that electoral votes will not be allowed to count, as running counter to what the PTB want in, The People will begin to demand democracy and retract their delegated powers from abusers-of-that-power infesting public office, because those overall wanting democracy do, indeed, form the majority of Americans.
Re-posting this, to be sure it's not missed:
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Can't the American people
file criminal complaints against our government, or against individuals in our government, when they commit crimes?
Lawsuits are one thing. But if someone commits a crime, can't the party injured file a criminal complaint?
@Linda Wood
Wouldn't you have to go through a rigged Supreme Court and Congress to sue any 'above the law' public official for any of the harm they do you/the country?
In a democracy, of course, everyone is equal under the law, with equal rights and treatment accorded to all - nice ideas, if you can get this democracy notion to catch on.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
currently reading THe Intercept today
and it's mind boggling how determined the democrats are to remain irrelevant. They may prove to be infinitely more stubborn than the GOP was in 2009 after its shellacking.
there currently seems to be no path to power for the left, so long as democrat party is the gatekeeper. those elites are not threatened by trump, given their wealth and power. Only those of us who have to work for a living will feel the pain of a trumpian era.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
A Tiny Correction To The First Quote
calling the US any country a rogue state is the wrong way to go about changing American their behaviour
I presume that was just correcting the quote?
Identifying criminal behaviour in politicians is never helpful. Instead, we must move on, always looking to the far horizon, never looking back, '...Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.'
Always best to just wait for whatever it does, with no divisive, double-plus ungood, non-pragmatic criticism or attempt to save oneself. Worked so far, hasn't it? Look where we are now? And what a lovely slide down that abyss with the whole world united in this descent - ain't it fun?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The terminology is well understood in the US since it is the
Hence I used Pariah in the final lines.
I believe it was Reagan initiated its use at a Presidential level c1985.
Under the definition of "Rogue State" used by the US the US itself qualifies.
It all started waaaay back when our MORAL Compass went south.
Then, just in case our leaders need them before the end of the 'American-Dream' happens on its very own shores, they threw what was left of our MORAL Values in locker-rooms beneath our Political Establishment.
But when that dreadful day came, our leaders forgot where they put the key, and now they can only offer us the austerity measures from a completely sterilized nation.
Oh yeah.........the abolishment of the old MORAL Values was called 'FREEDOM for all' back then too!
@Tao Joe
And when the American dream of an equal society became converted strictly to 'get rich quick and the devil take the hindmost'.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.