I've Never Felt Quite Like This Before.
In fact I've never been this close to shredding my US passport in my life.[It's a criminal offence, you have to send it back intact.]
Watching CPAC and the Trump circus last week was more than depressing.
Watching the MSM carry on both publicizing and criticizing at the same time the snake-oil salesmen in the White House is quite frankly just mind numbing.
Watching the DNC hoping to profit from the carnage they more than helped create farcical, since they staunchly resist any real change themselves.
A friend this side of the pond asked about where to visit in the US my simplistic and sarcastic reply was "why bother, go somewhere interesting instead".
Narcissism and self promotion seems to be the only skill set our society values and the US is not alone in that, just hop around social media for a couple of minutes. Skill, expertise and in depth knowledge are easily overrun by belief and the incessant white noise of self absorption. Mocking is easier. Don't believe the experts, believe us we'll make it simple, they are lying! Now watch me stick my head up my ass, please friend me!
Eight million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans every year, this causes barely a flutter on the unread pages in the centre of the paper. When it's in dedicated journals perceived to be too difficult for a five second sound bite, it's largely ignored.
Climate change/Global Warming remains our biggest danger as a species as we merrily wipe out our own biosphere - see page ten. It's complex, modelling and mechanisms require refinement, the consensus is pretty rock solid however, yet denial still gets as much if not more air time since it doesn't seem to require any evidence at all, just belief and can be done with in a five second sound-bite. Don't trust science! Scientists are just like us, in it for the money!
Divert, distract and profit. Fuck everyone else, memememememememe.
Nice eh?
Sorry to be so depressing, but I'm sick of this shit.
It's one of the reasons I'm writing less and less, I simply cant be bothered being part of the background noise.

... I know from previous comments, cherchezLaFem --
... that you know the front end of a shotgun ("muzzle") from the back end ("breech", or "stock", depending on the particular reference). Suggest to your friend that s/he go to a pleasant location where s/he can practice. Thomas Jefferson thought shotgunning the best of all outdoor activities (after all); and the thoughts of the Founding Fathers should, after all, shape all of our 240-year-old discussion; and, maybe eventually, will --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Ah, but you surrender too easily, LaFem
There are so many delights (s/) yet to experience in our country. Do not become a recluse until you have had a better chance to experience them. For instance, have you ever had YOUR drinking water ignite? How about a sinkhole appearing where front lawn used to be? Or maybe watch summary judgement executed on the spot for DWB (driving while black)? Death panels? Man, do we have Death Panels. We could set them up on Wheel of Fortune--you spin the wheel and if your number doesn't come up, you are spared for another day. How about taking a walk down Collins Ave. in Miami Beach when it's 10 inches under water? How about vacationing in ND (Nazi Dominion) where it may soon be legal to run people over crossing the street if you suspect they are deliberately obstructing traffic?
Have you no sense of adventure anymore. And by the way, one doesn't need a passport to delve into these and other fine features of Amurikkka the Exceptional. You may sign up for a tour (reasonably priced). Just call 1-800-ALGATOR. Family discounts available.
Ibid. Comments are revealing. Ibid again haha.
Thanks for writing, about all of it.
"In the same place."
My Post was Deleted :(
Well that sucks, will try to do it from memory here:
It is quite utterly paralyzing and depressing.
You watch your fellow man rush to outdo one another in their addiction to greed and power. They destroy everything just so they can be at top. Many of these folks are in their 50's and 60's. In 30 years they will most likely be dead while the young will reap the consequences of their actions.
Will those who destroyed the environment face the consequences? No. They will be in their golden mausoleums, smiling in their gilded coffins as the world burns up and becomes inhabitable.
Democrats are trying to force everyone to unify and fight the common enemy...just so they can get in power again and destroy the environment and kill more innocent people, all because of their insatiable greed. They actually believe they are good because of how much money they make.
I am young (25). In the end, I may very well die due to climate change. Diving more and more into politics, environment, poverty, war...there is no hope. Nothing changes, except the person at the top doing the exact same things as the last guy. All of this was preventable. Easily so.