Kamala Harris

If you don't endorse Kamala Harris you are racist and sexist

In case there was any confusion, the rules of Democratic Party politics have not changed.
Identity Politics trumps economic justice, and those progressives that complain are smeared in the exact same way the Dems will try to smear Republicans (and fail).

Kamala Harris: the Camel hoping to please

A week ago, I wrote an essay Kamala Harris: a dangerous Democrat. On the Cusp schooled me with the comment "what Democrat isn't dangerous?" Being at a loss for words, I decided to show why K. the Camel Harris particularly dangerous. To OtC et. al., this does not mean that most Democrats are not dangerous.

Sell-out Sen. Kamala Harris (d-CA) tries to get other Dems to join her openly selling out

Sell-out Sen. Kamala Harris, while attorney general of CA, ordered subordinates who had already uncovered 1000 illegal transactions by Steven Mnuchin's Bank One of California, to drop the whole thing; the attorneys under her control, were already working on another 1000 cases, not quite ready for prosecution when the order was given. Of course, Mr. Mnuchin is now a Trumpocrat, Secretary of the Treasury.
