Joe Biden

Politicians in fantasy and reality

The public typically likes to imagine that it is selecting its representatives out of some sense of "realism" about what is "realistically possible" given the "political situation." Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the political field is littered with fantasy politicians, politicians that people think they are electing but who exist mainly as figments of the public's imagination.

Please Let This Biden Comeback Celebration Last Only 72 Hours

I've been offline since Thursday to avoid seeing Joe Biden's smug face and the elation of the punditry that Bernie Sanders lost in all the ways.

The TL;DR version of this race so far:

Iowa: "the real story tonight is who comes in 2nd, and yeah, the voting was an unresolved clusterfuck."

New Hampshire: "the real story tonight is who comes in 3rd, and yeah, we want a Republican billionaire Hail Mary in this."

Can someone please let Biden retire already

This is starting to look like elder abuse.
The man belongs in a rocking chair, drinking juice, telling tall tales to his grandchildren.

Is Elizabeth Warren Trying to Be Joe Biden's VP Pick?

The Great Handshake Freeze-Out of January 14 was the glacé cherry on a shit sundae of malicious, precisely calculated smears on Bernie Sanders. I initially thought that Elizabeth Warren brought some poltergeists from the Omnishambles Clinton campaign into the fold to advise her on gaining some momentum. I no longer believe that Warren was trying to only boost her polling numbers.
