Joe Biden

The Task-Force Recommendation on Heatlh Care: my thoughts

Adding one more voice to the Democrats' "best we can do" discourse on health care is the "Biden-Bernie Task Force," which came out with its recommendations Wednesday. As Natalie Shure of In These Times pointed out, what's missing from the health care portion of these recommendations is Medicare for All.

MoveOn's panicky message: Don't take Biden's poll lead for granted!

Here's what the panicky Petes at MoveOn said in their email to me, dated five hours ago: don't take the November election for granted, because Trump could still win. (I think I got on their list because I donated to Samelys Lopez' campaign.) Here are their supporting arguments:


Let me get straight to the point.

Before Biden is crowned, we MUST ask the following questions.

Although I will vote for Biden (holding my nose,) I do not think he has a chance to win. The last several weeks have made it very clear that the Democrats must win the White House, as well as the Senate. I am certain that Biden won’t get us there.
