Signal Wave
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Tue, 12/07/2021 - 6:49amThe Great Realignment
Obama did bring change.
The Great Realignment
Obama did bring change.
I've suggested in a number of previous diaries that the Biden administration doesn't really have a climate change policy. The reasons for this lack of a policy are obvious: the Biden administration is sold out to oil interests, whose main concern is that the owning class that controls them, both Biden administration and owning class being Powers That Be, be allowed full rights of kingship on a dead planet.
This very brief post is for those who were wondering what the real connection was, between Joe Biden and the fossil fuel industry:
Biden Boosted A Pipeline, Now His Aide Could Reap A Windfall
Here's the key paragraph of Andrew Perez and David Sirota's piece:
In climate change news: leaders pledge climate action but disappoint activists.
Remember when the stenographers of power were all cheering on Joe Biden because he was going to review all of the oil leases Donald Trump approved?
At this time much of what we can say about the future is lost in the confusion of the Nice Liberals with Big Egos. You remember this group: these are the people who are going to save the world, but without any reference to what actually saving the world would physically entail. And so, consequently, they're doing it to please themselves.
This headline is from the Guardian, but the story is straight out of the Onion:
Neera Tanden withdraws as Cabinet nominee after facing opposition
Can't find the Open Thread image. ok, all I wanted is posting this: video. My kinda woman. Go, Tulsi
Sorry for being too tired to find the Open Thread image.
Good Night.
No, this isn't a "GBCW diary." All I'm doing with this post is admitting that there really is nothing more to say about Joe Biden or Donald Trump that I or someone else hasn't already said before. So I think I'm going to shut up about the Presidential race at least until there arises something new that needs to be said.
(Reposted from Reddit)
Among the "Left" crowd, readers are starting to see signs of Trump-weariness, a sort of "let's elect Biden and get it over with" attitude. Apparently Trump so fills people with rage that they're willing to forget some basic facts. Let's review: