Hillary Clinton

BREAKING: State Dept. reopens probe of how Hillary Clinton, top aides handled classified information

Amazing news coming out of the State Department. Looks like current leadership is not happy with Comey's description of the State Department as having a culture of incompetence and ineptitude.

C-Span.org live on my iPad

I am getting the live-streaming House hearing on "The Honorable" James Comey's non-explanation of why Hillary Clinton slithered out of yet another vast, right-wing conspiracy witch hunt concerning her emails. I left in disgust after a few minutes of Elijah Cummings comparing David Petraeus' slap on the wrist with Hillary's nothing burger (according to apologizer-in-chief) Cummings.

It depends on what the meaning of "indictment" is...

So it wasn't the indictment we wanted; the indictment where Hillary gets led off wearing an orange pantsuit and handcuffs, but, it was an 'indictment' nevertheless. Nowhere did Comey say 'nothing to see here, move along'. Comey made the incompetence, the lying, the arrogance, and the corruption real and on record. No longer will Hillary be able to hide behind her lies. Her word against Comey's - give me a break.

Assumptions and Timing and Stuff I Think About When Reading

stuff like this here:

The year-long investigation is expected to conclude in the coming weeks, though it could take longer, leaving open the probability it will cast a shadow over Clinton as she accepts the Democratic Party’s nomination for president in Philadelphia this month and launches her general election campaign against Republican Donald Trump.

Surprise! The Revolution Just Started – with the Delegates.

Take a look at this bit of innovative democracy:

With a little less than a month remaining until the start of the Democratic National Convention, a coalition of individuals and several groups has launched an effort to stop Hillary Clinton from winning the party’s nomination. Their goal: allowing pledged delegates at the convention to vote freely for the nominee and not be bound to to the former First Lady.

They've really got their knickers in a knot this time

Over at TOP they're taking pot shots at Bernie because of an interview he did today with Andrea Mitchell. They called him "Delusional", "Sore loser", "Mean SOB", and that was just in the first 75 words.

The backing piece is no better. Chris Cillizza wrote the most dunderheaded assessment I've read in a while.
