Hillary Clinton

Disappointed in Thom Hartmann

So I'm listening to Thom Hartmann yesterday, as I always try to do, and this woman who is a Bernie supporter calls in to talk about supporting Jill Stein going forward. Thom goes off on her about how Jill Stein is a 'professional' and 'vanity' candidate. He then says Stein won't release her tax returns giving the impression that she is just in it for the money.

The Rats Are Looking for Lifeboats

Just broke my self-imposed boycott of Charlie Pierce of Esquire, a very witty commentator who has shown a distressing tendency in recent years to line up along the Democratic party line. During the primary season this meant toeing pretty close to the Clinton party line, with occasional gestures toward impartiality. So, like so much other corporate media, he went in the trash bin. Today, though, I'm home getting over a cold, and wandered over to his joint. Imagine my surprise to see an entry from Friday entitled Somehow Hillary Clinton Made the E-mail Mess Even Worse Today.

Deconstructing the Nader-Spoiler Smear Tactic

If you are considering "wasting" {cough} your Vote this fall, consider this ...

Now that Hillary Clinton has wrapped up the Democratic Presidential nomination with the endorsement of Bernie Sanders, her supporters have transitioned to denigrating progressives who affirm they are “Bernie or Bust” by supporting Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein over Clinton. [...]

New Hillary Supporter Talking Point: "Bernie's supporters just wanted to drag the rest of us down the SJW rabbit hole."

This talking point comes via a youtube comment exchange with a Clinton supporter who believed the lie that 25 percent of Sanders supporters would have voted for Trump in the general if Bernie won the primary. What is it with Hillary supporters and identity politics? They accuse us of using all that and acting like 'special little snowflakes' when the Clinton campaign did it themselves over and over and over again.

What the Khans Should Really Be Attacking

Over the past week, the American public have seen a great deal of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of an American soldier, Captain Humayun Khan, who died in 2004 while fighting in Iraq. The Khans and their son are / were Muslims, and Khizr Khan gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention last week denouncing Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric and arguing his proposed immigration ban on Muslims is unconstitutional. Trump has reacted with his usual bloviating, including jabs at Captain Khan's mother, resulting in an escalating war of words with the family.

Both Republicans and Democrats have rightly denounced Trump's attacks on the fallen soldier's family. That said, all the praise for the Khans rings hollow for me. Although they were brave for condemning Trump, they have failed to call Hillary Clinton on her support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq which killed their son in the first place. They took the stage to speak on behalf of a politician who voted to send their son to his death.

My Gut Reaction: I rarely agree with the orange bigot, but he had a point when he noted that it was Hillary Clinton, not him, who voted for the Iraq War.

More below the fold...

This Time Lesser Evil Voting is Utter Folly

I just wanted to say that, "utter folly". It's utter folly man.

I've noticed many Bernie supporters (former?) saying they might vote for the asshole Trump primarily to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president. That seems to be the prevailing attitude for those who are going to vote in the upcoming Presidential election, stopping "the other one" from becoming president.

Security briefings and courses for thee but not for me. Hillary completed no security briefings or courses while at State Dept.
