Hillary Clinton

Obama's State Dept has been delaying many Clinton-related FOIA requests until after the 2016 election

OK so what's going on?

Yesterday I received an email pitch from the Sanders campaign:

When we began this campaign a little over a year ago we were considered to be a fringe campaign. But over the last year, I think that has changed just a little bit.

As of last night, we have won 22 state primaries and caucuses with more than 11 million votes.

"Why Hillary is better than Trump" arguments, dissected: SCOTUS

Note: These essays are critical of the "Support Hillary because X" arguments. The intent is to dissect and examine them on the merits, and expose their weaknesses if any. I have a bias in that I'm a #BernieOrBust person. I won't vote for Hillary, and I find the arguments I'm critiquing unconvincing. These essays are meant to explore how and why I have come to that conclusion.

"That's Okay. We'll Have the Revolution Without You."

One of the last comments I made before my banning at the Great Orange Shitcan was in response to a diary that asked whether or not we'd support Hillary if she gets the nomination. I simply answered 'No. There, happy?' One response to that was, as stated in the title:

That's Okay. We'll Have the Revolution Without You.

Hillary's emails are revealing how she forcefully pushed fracking around the world

In this interview with RT, Journalist Steve Horn continues with his brilliant environmental investigative journalism as he tells what he has learned from Hillary's newly revealed private emails about her forceful push to spread fracking around the world.

Don't Leave. Sit, Stay a While. Be With Bernie Until ...

I know you've reached your last shred of patience, are ready to blow a gasket and bolt from the Dem party, but don't. Between now and Philadelphia a lot can happen. Let's see what Bernie does. He's very savvy and can navigate Congress, the DNC, and whatever the Clintons throw at him. And there's still the outside chance that Justice will indict Hill.

Media's Premature Coronation Is Bad News For Hillary

It wasn’t a political night. I was watching hockey. My beloved Pittsburgh Penguins were ahead 2-0 and on their way to taking a 3-1 lead in the Stanley Cup Finals. And then, during a major sporting event, I heard a beep and saw a scroll at the bottom of the screen for BREAKING NEWS!

OF COURSE, Bill got Trump to run! “A Grim Fairytale…” reveals all…

Today, Shaun King posted on Facebook the following:

"5 different people have confirmed that Bill Clinton spoke with Donald Trump right before Trump launched his campaign. Bill actually called Donald.
This should disturb you.

The linked Vanity Fair article says:

The Disappointment of the Democratic Primary...

Every day that this primary goes on, I am continually disappointed by the lack of perspective of many people I otherwise respect. I see very intelligent people write some of the most trollish comments imaginable. I am writing this specifically about one person I know.
