Hillary Clinton

an example of what a non-Clinton dem would be up against in the primaries.

Remember: the media keeps telling us that Trump is polling at 2% with African-American voters. 2%! His Hispanic numbers aren't nearly as bad, but from what I've seen, Hillary has a significant lead. Just found: Hillary has a 50 point lead with people of color.

Yet, we find this headline in the Washington Post: Pro-Clinton Super Pac to invest in ground operations to mobilize people of color.

The article starts out OK, setting aside our opposition to Super Pacs:

Have We Forgotten What Bernie Sanders Taught Us?

I have been a supporter of Bernie Sanders for years. He and I are of an age. I was thrilled when he started up a revolution of positive change. Take a close look at the word positive. One of the definitions of positive from Merriam-Webster is " indicating, relating to, or characterized by affirmation, addition, inclusion, or presence rather than negation, withholding, or absence ." It is change we can believe in.

Are Hillary and Donald really so different?

Did you ever get the feeling that you were being lied to about something so big that the entire paradigm of how the world is being presented to you is false?
The lie in this case is that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are dramatically different, and thus there is a Lesser Evil.
This leads to the dominant feature of presidential politics today - voting out of fear of the other.

My experience with private insurance before the ACA, and my thoughts re the viability of Obamacare.

FYI, gjohnsit has another fine essay out today, focusing on Obamacare. Originally I wanted to leave these words as a comment in that essay, but quickly realized that it would have been far, far too long, and so I decided to write my own "essay" instead. This piece is a collection of certain of my prior comments on TOP; I hope readers will find them useful.

Rolling Stone Shills for Hill

Rolling Stone magazine has published an editorial endorsing Hillary Clinton written by the prominent historian Sean Wilentz of Princeton University. Wilentz, reportedly a long time friend of the Clintons, praises Hillary in the strongest terms, saying she would "carry on the Democratic Party's progressive traditions and transform America." Wilentz goes on to give a highly selective account of what President Hillary Clinton would offer America.

My Gut Reaction: I suspect that Wilentz has a slightly different definition of progressive than I do.

More below the fold....

Clinton will not be a realignment Presidency: Corey Robin

Here at c99% I've been arguing that realignment is in the cards, and that the main hindrance to a real realignment, one that helps us, is the nice liberals' attachment to Clinton. (The likely outcome in this regard, I argued, was a uniparty, in which the Republicans vote to get what they want and the Democrats vote out of fear.)

Two really good interviews this morning

Sorry for the drive by essay. My life is way to busy. However I did get a chance to watch DemocracyNow this morning (in bits on my TV and iPad) and there were two very good interviews that are well worth watching. The first interview is with a Wall Street Journal Reporter James Grimaldi. It deals with the Clinton Foundation and its relationship with the Clinton State Department. The interview is not sensational but is full of facts and Grimaldi is serious and knowledgeable.

Another Email Dump, Another CF/SOS Quid-pro-quo Deal

Here's the back-drop for the on-going saga -- about how much "private business" can someone conduct, when acting {off-line and through back-channels} in the capacity of one of America's most powerful "public servants" ...

from realclearpolitics.com -- August 10, 2016

Ending Citizens' United and Hillary Clinton...

I don't quite remember what turned me on to the "End Citizens' United PAC," but I signed up some months (maybe years?) ago. I have been getting emails from them for quite some time. Over the course of this election season, the emails have been moving to more partisan Democrat in nature. I accepted that because it is primarily Democrats who want to end that ruling. After the email I received today, I had to unsubscribe. I received an email soliciting donations for...Hillary Clinton.
