Green Party

Movement4Bernie - Beyond Bernie meeting

Saturday I drove up to Philadelphia to check out the Socialist Alternative/Movement4Bernie presentation which featured video messages from Jill Stein and Kshama Sawant. Cheri Honakala, Jill Stein's vice presidential partner on the 2012 Green Party ticket was present and spoke at the meeting.

Jill Stein called for the creation of a united party of the 99%, without corporate money or influence, joining the people energized by the Sanders campaign and the various fragmented groups of the left end of the political spectrum. Stein gave a brief run through of the highlights of her platform that mostly coincide with Sanders' platform demands.

A letter to Bernie...should you write your own?

The proposed endorsement led me to write Senator Sanders. I know I can no longer support the Democratic Party, and I don't understand how a person with Bernie's values can. I wrote him the note below, and I encourage you to do the same. I used his senate contact form - or this address

Green Party Needs Ballot Access Help in Georgia - Deadline is next Tuesday July 12th

Hey all. If you know anyone in or near Georgia that can sign a ballot or preferably help get ballot signatures for the Green Party/Jill Stein, give them a shout out (Georgia contact information provided in post). They have 5,500 of the needed 7,500 signatures. They need to get more than 7,500 signatures for a margin of safety. There are many petitioning efforts this weekend.

Green Party Made the Ballot in IL; Looks Promising in AZ, NV, and WA; Ballot Pushes in GA, PA, MO, KS, and CT

In Illinois, the Green Party/Jill Stein submitted 50,000 signatures and will be on the ballot in Illinois. Ballot access movements are looking promising in Nevada, Washington, and Arizona. State deadlines for ballot access are coming up in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Kansas, and Connecticut.

Easy ways and not so easy ways to help the Green Party/Jill Stein

People need to understand that this is a marathon not a sprint. Bernie's primary run was stage 1, now comes stage 2 (who knows maybe Bernie will join the Green Party). Jill Stein is a very good spokesperson for progressives. Jill could reach 15% in the polls and qualify for the debates. Once she gets on the stage, she will open a lot more eyes. We need some positive energy, can't give up now, can't give up next year. There are simple ways to help Jill:

Deadlines, State Coordinator Contact Info, and Facebook pages for Green Party/Jill Stein Ballot Access Drives

I thought I would try to make some of the Green Party/Jill Stein's ballot access drives info more accessible. I have listed the deadlines for 27 states being pursued, and provided links to webpages that contain email addresses of state coordinators for ballot drives and contain Facebook page links.

Jill Stein/Green Party, Ballot Access (hopefully 47 states), and Bernie's Revolution

Jill Stein/the Green Party hopes to get onto the ballot in 47 states. Counterpunch and Politico have very good articles about this. Here is Politico:

Presidential Debates this Fall, wouldn't it be cool if Jill Stein (Green Party) was on stage

Right now, we are potentially looking at Presidential debates consisting of Hillary, Trump, and Gary Johnson (Libertarian). Johnson is polling in the 10+% range. If he reaches 15%, he qualifies for the debate. So we could have Presidential Debates consisting of candidates who range from center-right to extreme right. Not very appetizing. We have a possible progressive debate attendee in Jill Stein of the Green Party. She is currently polling around 5%.

Jill Stein, Green Party POTUS candidate, needs help (donations) to get on the ballot in Illinois (deadline - June 27th) and many other states (updated)

I am a long time lurker at TOS since the Dean days. Favorite writers include FishOutofWater, Pluto, Meteor Blades, and Cassiodorus. Now I come here and go to Naked Capitalism. Hoping to stir up a little interest in Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for POTUS. In case you didn't know, Hillary has been going around saying good things about Bush I and Bush II....
