First 2016 Presidential debate Hillary Donald Lester Holt

THE Debate

Last night's debate was supposed to be the most watched televised event, second only to the really important U.S. televised spectacle, the Super Bowl (with or without wardrobe malfunction). I don't know if those numbers were achieved, but I did not watch the debate. I did, however, catch a chunk of a rerun of the debate.

The post debate online polls showed Hillary to be the winner. Of course, Hillary's fans mocked that kind of post-debate poll throughout the primary when Sanders won them, but are preening about them now. That is another example that they, like the Her with whom they are, have only one consistent principle: realization of Hillary's desire to be the first woman President. I can respect flexibility and compromise, but not total absence of consistent principles. But, I digress:

These are my "undeep," sometimes hyperbolic impressions of THE Debate last night: