
Julian Assange is in mortal peril

I’m seeing lots of shitlibs writing about his death and going into detail what his exposing the lies of the Vietnam war meant to them while in the same breath saying that Julian Assange is nothing like Ellsberg. In my view both exposed the lies our government has told us, but the PTB tied Julian to Russia and anyone who used to support him turned on his work just because they believe the lies. How dense do you have to be to not being able to see through the reason for why they did that? Russia didn’t cause the Hellabitch to lose to Trump. Her actions did that, but she couldn’t accept that people rejected her.


We owe both of them our gratitude.

Hedges writes about

The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism

the Public Part of Julian’s Extradition Show Trial has concluded

WSWS journalist Thomas Scripp’s Oct. 2, 2020 overview of the proceedings: Assange’s extradition hearing concludes at London’s Old Bailey, with decision due January 4’

A few chilling passages:

“Julian Assange’s extradition hearing concluded yesterday as it began, with a denial of his legal right to a fair trial. District Judge Vanessa Baraitser refused to admit additional evidence on the US government’s flagrant abuse of due process.

When the evidentiary phase of the hearing opened four weeks ago, Baraitser refused the defence’s request that she excise additional allegations made against Assange at the eleventh hour by US prosecutors, in a superseding indictment. She refused a subsequent application made by the defence for an adjournment, to allow them to respond to the new indictment. Her ruling yesterday renders any challenge to this all but impossible.” […]