Maybe he could take up painting --
Submitted by Cassiodorus on Sun, 04/07/2019 - 9:39pm-- you know, like George W. did. Here's what Barack Obama is doing now:
-- you know, like George W. did. Here's what Barack Obama is doing now:
"Just opposing Trump isn't enough" is simple common sense.
However, we are starting to accumulate evidence to back up this statement.
For instance, let's consider the article of faith behind #McResistance.
I've lost all patience with moderates, centrists, incrementalists and mainstream establishment democrats who think the status quo is not so bad, just needs a little tweaking around the edges. They'd be satisfied just getting rid of Trump – which is fine as far as that goes, it just doesn't go nearly far enough.
The pragmatic, centrists of the McResistance have defeated President Trump in his effort to end our illegal war and occupation of eastern Syria. Hurray?
I really don't like Pelosi. I can say that I voted against her (twice) and I don't regret it.
But I've been forced to support her for Speaker because of who is opposing her now.
If these was ever any doubt that Democrats hate leftists more than they hate conservatives, consider who they can forgive. Let's start with George W. Bush.
The title of this blog entry is the same as that for an article by Carol Danserau posted at Counterpunch. Here's a link: Climate and the Infernal Blue Wave: Straight Talk About Saving Humanity
Here in Claremont we have one of these:
'Trump just crossed a red line': Protesters rally nationwide in support of Mueller probe
There certainly was no Blue Wave in the Senate, and only a modest one in the House.
But on the state level there was a tidal shift.