
Summer Solstice and Basement Kitties

My little tuxedo Princess Pixie has decided that Mommy is going to be okay so she is back sleeping in my room. We are still trying to figure out exactly what happened on the 11th. Reid seems to think it may not have been a seizure that I just blacked out for a moment maybe during an asthma attack. I had obviously started to get up most likely to get my inhaler.

Curiosity and Keeping the Cat Amused: Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch

Welcome to Sunday All Day Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. One thing about being owned by a cat is you will never be bored. They are curious, amusing, and love to "help." Pixie is my little tuxedo who probably is more basement cat then ceiling cat.

A Question About Cats and Litter Box Trouble

I'm sure this is a strange thing to bring up on a politics site, but I've had trouble with one of my cats when it comes to the litter box. He always seems to go number one right outside of it and getting him to stop seems near impossible. I've dealt with this since he was a kitten more or less and he's just over 9 years old now. We ruled out infection just after we moved. Other than that, he hasn't had any real behavior problems to speak of but I have noticed a pattern.

Street Prophets and pooties a.k.a.cats

One of the reasons I haven't totally abandoned the GOS is being an Admin. at Street Prophets. For those who don't know me from there I thought I'd cross post so you could met the head of the household. It is rather sad that the number of people who wanted to come to a safe diary. Consider this your introduction to Princess Pixie Doodles Wilson.

Another Quickie for Tricia

No, not that kind of quickie. I have to work today, so can't stay long.

I tried to publish this, then lost it, then found it again, but then it ended up way down on the list. So I'm trying to follow Johnny's instructions for reposting. Technology. It often bamfoozles me.

But for those of you who haven't heard, Daily Kos' beloved Pootie Queen, triciawyse, passed away about a week ago from complications from pancreatitis. She was in her 40s.

Her funeral/memorial service began this morning at 10 AM, as did our memorial service over on DKos. Her family will be reading that diary again later.

A Quickie for Tricia

No, not that kind of quickie. I have to work today, so can't stay long.

But for those of you who haven't heard, Daily Kos' beloved Pootie Queen, triciawyse, passed away about a week ago from complications from pancreatitis. She was in her 40s.

Her funeral/memorial service began this morning at 10 AM, as did our memorial service over on DKos. Her family will be reading that diary later.
