Featured Editorials

Hellraisers Journal: "Man Who Broke Up Molly Maguires [so-called] Says Labor Leaders Will Die."

The name of a Molly Maguire being attached to
a man's name is sufficient to hang him.
-Franklin B Gowen, 1876

Thursday February 22, 1906
From The Minneapolis Journal: Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone Will Die!

Charles Moyer and Big Bill Haywood, President and Secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, along with the Denver business man who is an ex-miner and now friend of the organization, George Pettibone, have been tried, convicted, and declared "doomed to die" in the pages of The Minneapolis Journal of February 20th:


Orchard's Confession Reveals Plots to
Kill Supreme Court Justices.
Man Who Broke Up Molly Maguires Says
Labor Leaders Will Die.

Journal Special Service.

Molly Magueres, Black Thursday (June 21, 1877) %22The March to Death%22 fr Frank Leslies's Illustrated Newspaper, Jul 7, 1877.png
The Day of the Rope, Black Thursday, June 21, 1877.

Anti-trans jiggery pokery in Washington

Since the repeal of Human Rights Commission rules covering transgender people's use of sex-segregated facilities failed by a 24-25 vole in Washington's Republican-controlled Senate earlier this month a man named Joseph Backholm has launched a group called Just Want Privacy with the purpose of filing an initiative to force transgender people out of public facilities.

The takeaway line on its webpage is

Stand with us as we stand to protect women and children from this dangerous rule.

Hellraisers Journal: Officials of W. F. of M. Arrested & Spirited Away to Boise by Special Train

Are we to have no chance at all?
You can’t arrest a man without a warrant and
transport him to another state without extradition papers!
-Big Bill Haywood

Wednesday February 21, 1906
Denver, Colorado - Haywood, Moyer, and Pettibone Kidnapped by State of Idaho


The San Francisco Call of February 19th reported on the arrest, in Denver, of Big Bill Haywood and Charles Moyer, officers of the Western Federation of Miners. George Pettibone, whom The Call describes as a former member of the W. F. of M., was also arrested. The next morning, the men were transported by special train from Denver to Boise, apparently without extradition hearings, nor an opportunity to challenge extradition. The three men will be charged in connection with the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho.

The Call appears to approve of what amounts to a kidnapping, arranged by the authorities of Colorado and Idaho:


Taken on Special Train From Denver.
Miners' Union Officials Involved in
Steunenberg Murder Case.
Three Men Spirited Away Under Guard
in the Early Morning.

Child Advocacy groups urge governors to veto anti-transgender legislation

 photo A_TransGender-Symbol.pngThe American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, the American School Counselor Association, the Child Welfare League of America, the National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of Social Workers and the National Education Association have joined together to write an open letter to the nation's governors stating their opposition to bills which target transgender students such as the one awaiting the signature of Governor Daugaard in South Dakota.
