Featured Editorials

Three Facts to Keep in Mind in the Time of Impeachment

Wherever I write, I am aware that I represent a minority of one, who regards the US Constitution with total distain for the injustice and corruption that it has introduced into the lives of modern Americans. It has made it possible for their lives to be trashed morally, economically, and legally inside their own country, while pitting citizen against citizen as they are forced down into a cruel, god-foresaken, social dystopia. And the Constitution's cluelessness about the modern world has allowed the people's tormentors to be elevated to the highest positions of authority in the land, where they legally hide their abuses behind their classified documents. Yet it is a rare human being that will put the blame where it clearly belongs.

Daniel Lazare is one of the rare ones.

Iraq, Lies, and the Drums Of War

Both Washington and the news media are bending over backwards to drum up support for a war with Iran. In the proud tradition of incubator babies and yellowcake, they are both twisting the facts and outright lying. The further you go to the right-wing of the news media, the bigger and more belligerent the lies.

First of all, let's look at some examples.


Sanders Lights a Fire

Every morning across the world people light the morning fire. I do, and I've been doing so most mornings of my adult life. Wood stoves are a very efficient way to burn wood if you have a house. I say "if" because a lot of people who start morning fires either don't live in houses or the houses are built only to give protection from wildlife, people, and rain. Those folks build campfire type fires.

Capitalism is Not the Problem

          I have seen some "let's kill capitalism" sentiment expressed of late. Capitalism is not the problem, nor is any other economic 'ism inherently better. The key to "better" is in the implementation details.

          Economists want to think of themselves as being a part of the "hard sciences" because Reasons. After-all they award a Nobel Prize in Economics, don't they.

See Bernie in a Different Light and Learn a Few Things About the Iowa Caucuses

I saw this video posted by our friends over at The Progressive Wing and it's the 3rd or 4th such video I've watched during this campaign cycle. The previous ones featured Campaign Manager Faiz Shakir, along with young staffers from Iowa and New Hampshire.

Tulsi Warchest at $1.2 Million

The Tulsi campaign showed us today that their total warchest for the early states, raised through the end of last year, reached about $1.2 million:

Her goal was to raise $1 million by the end of 2019 to remain competitive in the early states, so she did good exceeding that by a couple hundred grand.
