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Will 2020 Bring Better Vision?

Here we go into the second decade of the third millennium (that is if you start counting time when they say we should). If I could define a clear yearly vision it would start with an end to the wars and coups the US perpetrates to enhance global corporate/capital power. Then with both the monies saved and return of our veterans, we rebuild and create a new paradigm. Imagine locally produced power, food, transportation, parks, ecosystem restoration, and water capture and purification. Imagine the end of the fracking industry, which has never been profitable except as a con. Use the last of current fossil fuel production to create a fossil fuel free world and then end it...no new wells nor coal mines. I can continue by dreaming of a new food production system not focused on grains and soy which are driving so much of our ill health, but focused on neighborhood market producers, and humane animal production using regenerative farming. Eating well (which would require an examination of current (mis)guidelines plus a re-education program) would reduce the chronic disease epidemic. We need universal health care for all, but first we need accurate health advice. The big problem of the future is said to be the loss of jobs to AI, but we will always need teachers, park rangers, librarians, ecologists, climatologists, hydrologists, solar specialists, electric car mechanics, restoration ecologists, farmers, herders, ranchers, welders, carpenters, plumbers, and on and on. There's plenty of work for all but we haven't developed a system of value for our ecosystem nor one another. It is time. It is past time.

2020 vision.jpg

Besides A.G. Barr, Mick Mulvaney and Pat Cipollone are Opus Dei, too

All three are involved in Trump’s impeachment.

During his July 25th call with Ukraine Pres. Zelensky, Trump urged Zelensky to work with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and Attorney General William Barr to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Humter.

Rambling Joe and the million dollar Putin bots

American Exceptionalism, the disease, taken root in solitude, loosed upon the World

Lest you think propaganda was invented by David Brock, consider what I was taught in elementary school. There, not necessarily promoted as an idea to be emulated, was the American Exceptionalism (AE). Beginning before the Revolution but encouraged by it, AE found its first political enactment of the Monroe Doctrine.

The justification of this keep out of OUR hemisphere was of course AE.

Friday night photos - OT

Well, I don't see anything here yet, so here we go again. I am not their leader, I do not know which way they went. Hope everyone is having a good holiday!

Here is a small male Red-tailed Hawk of some flavor. It is not one of the fuertesi subspecies that are resident in my area. A winterer from elsewhere. The cumberbund of a belly band usually means an eastern type.
