Featured Editorials

Congratulations On Becoming a Gun Owner

I know that background checks on gun sales are backed up 4 days where they usually take a half hour at most, and it's reported that most purchases of firearms are people who've not owned a gun before, so I figured I'd put this out there, make of it what you will. Lot of first time gun owners, might be you.

Important & Interesting Perspective from Caitlin

I just listened to an e-mail from Caitlin Johnstone that contained some insights which, upon reflection and consideration, most of the populace seems to either have lost track or or to have been unaware of. It's allegedly about "now" or "today", but really applies to most of the recent past and probably all of the future. As a result, given that her work is public domain, I decided to post the whole thing here.

The Weekly Watch

Fear Fuels Foolishness

Americans are easy to scare. In just the last couple of decades think about how TPTB used situations to take advantage of citizens. First 9/11 creates the opportunity to eliminate privacy with the Patriot Act and begin a Forever War OF Terror. Then the crash of '08, the US bailed out banks and foreclosed on homeowners, and used the emergency to provide cover for the murder by drone program as well as many more coups and regime change wars (thanks Obomber). And now COVID provides for the completion of corporate capture. We are buying corporate debt AND stocks of the very businesses which bought so much of their own stock that they are underwater. To top it off the US gets no say in the management of the very companies we are buying. We are being had, and most folks are happy they will receive a pittance of $1200 because most of them don't even have an extra $500 to handle emergencies. But...but...COVID is going to kill us! So we provide for the wholesale purchase of corporate America by the government? What a con.

the dream.jpg

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

I still have one more essay (I hope only one, not two) to write about electoral politics before I can be done with the topic for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, I'll get them up this week. I had a bad night last night (being without the four hours of acupuncture I get per week is taking its toll, on both me and Kate), so I'm going to just put up as calming an Open Thread as I can.
