Featured Editorials

the Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Isn’t Just a $Trillion Crony-capitalism Slush Fund

According to economists Pam Martens and Russ Martens at wallstreetonparade.com, via counterpunch.com, March 27, 2020: ‘Stimulus Bill Allows Federal Reserve to Conduct Meetings in Secret; Gives Fed $454 Billion Slush Fund for Wall Street Bailouts’

“The text of the final bill was breathtaking in the breadth of new powers it bestowed on the Federal Reserve, including the Fed’s ability to conduct secret meetings with no minutes provided to the American people.”

Just For Grins ... and to keep from crying

The idea of laughing to keep from crying has been around a long, long time has it not? Surely we've all expressed the sentiment more than once. Who knows where or when the myth originated. Maybe it got started about the time anxious individuals began to whistle in the dark. Could it just be one more example of how our culture specializes in denial?

Yet I know one thing for certain. I can damn sure use a good laugh wherever I can find it. With that in mind, I'll make it my mission to seek out and share meaningful editorial cartoon within this space.


My quest for humor among the issue weeds surrounding us may be a case of jousting with windmills. I'm willing to be your daily Don Quixote on this one. Will you be my Sancho Panzas ... valiantly contributing your own discoveries to our shared treasure of political humor. Post 'em when yo got 'em.

don quixote.jpg

Congratulations On Becoming a Gun Owner

I know that background checks on gun sales are backed up 4 days where they usually take a half hour at most, and it's reported that most purchases of firearms are people who've not owned a gun before, so I figured I'd put this out there, make of it what you will. Lot of first time gun owners, might be you.

Important & Interesting Perspective from Caitlin

I just listened to an e-mail from Caitlin Johnstone that contained some insights which, upon reflection and consideration, most of the populace seems to either have lost track or or to have been unaware of. It's allegedly about "now" or "today", but really applies to most of the recent past and probably all of the future. As a result, given that her work is public domain, I decided to post the whole thing here.
