Featured Editorials

The Weekly Watch

Time Tripping

The Past and Future World

Open Thread Image.jpg

The world is in flux. Things are changing as the balance of power shifts from West to East. In a desperate bid to maintain US hegemony, there are efforts to stir up both an Iranian conflict and use Taiwan as Ukraine 2.0. There is push back. There are massive protests in Germany as farmers and truckers join forces to demand their government serve the needs of their people rather than Ukraine. South Africa's case against Israel's genocide in Gaza made it to court this week dealing another blow to western hegemony. Things are indeed in a state of flux....hopefully for the better.

(11 min) St. George's great routine on time...

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

"Rebuilding Trust"
15–19 January 2024

Oops, they broke the pot, now they are asking us to trust them to rebuild it?

The overarching theme of the Open Forum Davos 2024 will be:

"From Lab to Life: Science in Action"

Davos 2024: This Years Meeting Of The Globalist Elites Is All About ‘Trust’ Says WEF

Album of the Week 1-13-24

Afternoon folks!

There's some great blues in store for you all this week! Starting off, there's a double album from Muddy Waters fronting a super group on a half-studio, half-live album, following that there's a compilation album of Champion Jack Dupree's New Orleans piano blues and the blues selections finish off with a compilation album of Sun Records recordings from the 50's/60's with some great stuff from Billy "The Kid" Emerson, Rosco Gordon and a bunch of much lesser-known artists.

After that we've got blues-rock albums this week from Johnny Winter and a live album from DC blues band The Nighthawks. Finishing off there's a rock and roll album from noted Texas blues singer Lou Ann Barton.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Jan 13, 2024

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Still working on better understanding the events of the early 1960's and the successful push towards world peace.

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.

Success in Moscow

President Kennedy selected Averell Harriman, an experienced diplomat known and respected by Khrushchev, to resume negotiations in Moscow. An agreement to limit the scope of the test ban paved the way for a treaty. By excluding underground tests from the pact, negotiators eliminated the need for the on-site inspections that worried the Kremlin.

Friday Night Photos Leftovers Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, meme's or music that trips your trigger.

Temps have been down all week. It's been in the low 30s most mornings and highs in the low 60s. We also had a little bit of rain yesterday morning. The price of gas has held steady for the last few weeks at $4.60 a gal. and groceries are still expensive as hell.

I didn't get out with the camera this week so here are some leftovers from last year and late 2022.

Fun time with Fido

Open Thread - 1/12/24 - TGIF Stuff 'n' Things

As of the time of this writin' and composin', WWIII has not been declared. Now, I am happy about that, but then, I am not investing in Raytheon, and the like. I do not think I would enjoy the smell of radiation in the morning. I also like people, butterflies, and non-poisonous air and water.
