Featured Editorials

June 5 was World Environment Day

This article comes from the most polluted city in the world where small children have already damaged lungs. Most of the pollution comes from fossii fuelled transportation and open burning. The recognition of the dangers of pollution has come too late for them. Why do we wait until we reach this level before the realization sets in that we cannot continue our way of life.

The Fight Over the TPP Has Created a Dilemma For Democrats

When grassroots activists and union leaders threatened to withhold campaign donations from Democratic Congressmen who voted for Fast Track, it should have been a wake up call for all Democrats. If party members have been reduced to threatening representatives just to ensure voter interests are protected, then you know the party has lost its way.

The Reason Hillary Clinton Refuses to Discuss the TPP

The TPP agreement has never been about helping average Americans obtain jobs. Its overarching purpose has been to ensure US corporations gain enough power to dominate international trade markets. More specifically, it was designed to deter China’s expansionist ambitions.

As CNN noted in April:

Really, this is about China.

Burning Ground

I am acquainted with a neurophysicist who maintains that it is breezingly easy, when reading brain scans, to determine which images reflect the skull-mush of a homo-sapien female, as compared to the skull-mush of a homo-sapien male.

This is because, so says the neurophysicist, scans of the female brain reveal many folds: folds being the way information in the brain is stored. And human females are interested in many things. Thus: many folds.
