Clinton Dirty Business - Indiana Phone Bank Fraud Edition
Submitted by Citizen Of Earth on Fri, 04/29/2016 - 9:08am
According to reports on twitter today, Hellery supporters are calling Indiana residents and telling voters to vote for Hellery because "Bernie has officially dropped out of the race".
This was discovered by Bernie phone bankers who said voters were surprised that they were calling.
Below is one IM conversation, but there are may more tweets from others on this same subject. Gee I wonder if the Clinton camp got into Bernie's call list database?
There is always a Daily Taint on Hellery activities. What will tomorrow bring?

Not just scum...
Pure scum!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Pure unadulterated scum even
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Scum from beneath the grill at your local fast food joint.
Any and all of them.
Look how this petition has increased numbers
When I first posted this a few weeks ago, they were looking for 5,000.
Wouldn't it be good to get to 50,000. Before the convention!
I guess I already did
The petition didn't come up for me, just the sharing to social media options.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I tried to sign the petition, however,
some kind of glitch occurs when I try to SEND. THE red SEND then remains grey and the page doesn't seem to be accepting my signed Petition. When I try to go out to do it over again, a pop-down box opens to say if I close out the page all information I have given will be lost. I finally closed out the page because I was held in limbo.
Best of luck with the Petition.
Poorly designed petition format though.
You have to scroll down through all the comments to sign at the bottom of the page. I nearly gave up before finding it. Not clear if you're signing the petition or a comment. Sign area should be made more accessible at the top.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
And people think she's better than Trump.
She is completely amoral. She's just kissing up to her voting base... for now. But she lies like a dog, and she's a stone cold killer. I'm sure she didn't give a moment's thought to the body count when she voted for Bush's Iraq War. She and Trump are a tossup.
Twain Disciple
Don't trust her. Don't like what she's done.
Not only was her vote for the Iraq war wrong,
she refers to it as a "mistake." No, Hillary, a mistake is picking up the salt instead of the sugar. What you call a "mistake" killed and permanently injured thousands of people. Even the women and children you supposedly care so much about. That's not a "mistake." That's a purposeful decision made to further your political career (at least, that's what you thought at the time). The "mistake" is only that it ultimately hurt your political career. It's certainly one of the reasons I'd never vote for you.
Don't give dogs a bad name
by comparing them to her.
You're right, and I am sorry.
My Golden Retriever is the soul of honesty. Well, except when he stands next to the cookie jar that holds his dog biscuits and pretends he's starving to death.
Twain Disciple
Beggin' Dogs
I have two Dobes (Doberman), and you wouldn't believe what they pull to get the goodies. They give you the LOOK. The younger one then sits down (he knows he's a gorgeous pup). He then resumes the LOOK. Works just about all the time.
Shrill is a very bad joke. She's a fruitcake. She wants to prove she's more warlike than a guy. Go for it, shrill. You as the first woman American Prez? Not getting my vote now or ever! Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
She Watched Obama Succeed
Obama campaigned as a liberal in both of his campaigns. He almost had me fooled into voting for him in 2008, only his FISA filibuster lie kept me from doing so.
In 2012, despite four years of almost non-stop disappointment, he again posed as a liberal. I know a lot of people thought "Finally! He can be what we always hoped he'd be as President" only to be disappointed again with his attempts at a "Grand Bargain" and other attacks upon the Middle Class. But he DID get re-elected against a candidate who (if he was smart) would have erased the Obama Etch-a-Sketch in a walk. I still couldn't vote for him.
Hillary does watch other candidates for what worked for them. She'd win if she paid as much attention to what she herself does that doesn't work for her.
Edited for typo
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
She is the dirt under my shoe.
I can't do it. Everyday - a new reason to vote for someone else for POTUS. There was a .000000000000000000001 chance I would vote for her - now it is minus zero. She is the scum of the earth.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Ain't no valley low enough
As usual Bernie is polite...political coward is mild!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"And thought this campaign, Hillary Clinton has proven to be that kind of political coward, succeeding only by undermining our democracy-eliminating the voice of the people and replacing it with the voice of the elites--by which this country can find solutions to our very serious problems."
Git her, Bernie. She is a problem every bit as much as the Pubs.
Hmmmm... if any of my kids
ever lied like this, the consequences would have been severe. How is it that when my 4 kids (now adults) were 4 years old, they had better moral compasses than this candidate who wants to "lead" this country?
Hillary is a terrible role model - always has been. To all those out there who are claiming that with age comes wisdom, she's living proof that old trope is wrong. At her age she's just an old greedy liar.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
Definitely not a role model
Hillary's campaign
stole the list from Bernie, and are spreading a coordinated lie. She has to know about this, and has to have given approval.
She is amoral. She has no conscience.
She is not worthy of my vote.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Please, let's not make assumptions.
The callers don't have to have a Bernie list, because the person they call can tell them they are supporting Bernie. Then they have the opportunity to tell the person that Bernie has dropped out. That's disgusting enough. We don't have to add theft to the charge. Just the typical actions of a dirty player. A weak, scared, desperate, dirty player.
Well Suspicions At A Minimum
The VAN database (Voter Activation Network) is managed by an old Clinton Crime Family associate. All it would take is to copy some records to a thumb drive and hand it off in a dark alley. With all the dirty tricks pulled in this primary season, there is plenty of reason to be suspicious.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Are you sure of that? No list?
When I canvassed pre-NY, we were told that every single name on that list had at some point expressed interest in Bernie's campaign. I did have a few respondents, however... But I canvassed individual addresses, not cold-calling.
BTW, since we share the samr B-day, IIRC, did we ever figure out who is older? Just grins, no winner.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I just turned 70.
Do I get a prize?
You get older, and wiser
I get younger (63). Good, at least we didn't have to fight it down to the minute and time zone. I have had to do that once.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
They don't have to steal a list, I don't think
When we phonebank or canvass, we are contacting at first all registered Dems and if in open states, Independents, too, i think.
You don't just want to contact supporters, you want to hopefully get more supporters, or get undecideds. Once someone says they are voting Hillary, they are removed from further contact - but the lists both campaigns start with is the same list, I think - registered voters in that state. As the campaigns move forward, the lists get refined by each campaign into supporters - but as long as you have the original list - it would be pretty easy to figure out which were Bernie supporting voters by comparing the current Hillary VAN list with the state registration database, and then calling those who were NOT on Hillary's list.
I don't think the list is the issue, the lie is the issue.
That kind of shit is right out of the Rove playbook, by the way. Remember the reports of the robocalls telling people that due to expected high turnout, Democrats were to vote November 5th? Or that polling places had changed?
There is a list of Bernie Donors
which I would hope only Bernie should have access to.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yes, there is, COE
But what I mean is I think they could do their dirty work pretty easily without getting access to that list. For instance, just by comparing my original VAN canvassing list with the results after I knocked, I know who are the Hillary supporters.
I think it would be pretty easy for them to take pretty safe bets on who to target their Rovian robocalls too
Yes. Agree 100%
And you are right that the most Horrific thing about this is the Lie. W.T.F!
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yes: "the lie is the issue"
The list becomes an issue because there was a lie.
Where did the caller who said Bernie pulled out of the race get the name and phone number of the person who was lied to?
That matters.
If Bernie does manage to overcome the odds and get elected, it will certainly be in spite of the fact that every dirty trick in the book has been used against him - and likely some dirty tricks we haven't even heard of yet.
The more dirty tricks the Clintonista campaign pulls (no doubt in cahoots with DWS under the aegis of DNC), the less cause there will be for anyone to vote for $Hillary.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Dirty Tricks
Reminds me of Tricky Dick Nixon in '72. At this point Hillary has got it made unless she gets indicted or some such. Like Nixon in '72, who likely would have won without any dirty tricks.
Whether Hillary specifically knows of this particular tactic is up for grabs, but she has to know very well the kind of campaigning she has hired people to do.
Sounds like David Brock to me.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
It wouldn't have to be "stolen", all that is needed
is user access to VAN on the DNC donor database. The DNC controls the access to that database. IMO, where this particular action/accusation is concerned, it would appear to me that someone has been given access to those records, and that's how they have the information.
Can't prove that without user logs, which is exactly why it would be done that way.
A Prediction
If the Indiana count in the exits is close Lake County will be the last to declare and it will do so all at once.
(Lake county is the 2nd most populous county, after Marion, and is machine Dem all the way).
Edited to make sense
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Never ever Hillary
The Democratic establishment must be punished for their evil not rewarded. #AmericaOrBust
Beware the bullshit factories.
She or her supporters must be desperate... pull a Cruz.
Better check the other states
Better check the other states as well I think they will pre-emptively attack this way and trick folks in the other May states for this new months round of elections. This kind of crap is what makes people not want to vote for DNC candidates and other politicians. Pure outright disgust at the dirty tricks and illegal plays that the major parties always get away with!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
We should tell her supporters
We should tell her supporters that she will be indicted after the convention. That probably will come to pass anyway.
Here's what really bothers me
A campaign, whether by design or not, almost always reflects the character of the candidate. The persons chosen to staff certain offices, the orders and instructions given from the boss, and the tacit approval of tactics reflects the innate nature and character of the candidate.
Obama's campaign was honest and above board, even when Clinton threw lie after lie at him. Except for hewing more to the center than I would have preferred, Obama did not lie, cheat, steal, or otherwise act in a way that would demean his office, tarnish his (and its) reputation, or commit crimes of any sort.
Hillary, then and now, will do and say anything to get even a slight advantage. After she achieved that advantage, she promptly forgets any promises she had made, she ignores those who helped her out, often at great cost, and she spits on the ones she beat or bested.
Magnanimity, empathy, gratitude, - these are all alien feelings to her.
Her behavior in office, if she wins, will fully reflect all the crap that she has pulled to get there.
But the greater issue is election theft-including the primaries
This guy has been all over that issue (along with Black Box voting, and Palast, and others-while 538 pooh-poohs the idea-and I have personal knowledge of that attitude, BTW)
"Where, exactly, is the line beyond which an election can’t be stolen? Do the Democrats need to win by 5%… 10%… to get an official victory? And what then happens to the down-ballot races? We prefer not to see those limits tested again. And we need to have people prepared to take tangible action. In 2012 Bob Fitrakis filed a successful Election Day lawsuit preventing illegal computer patches being rigged into Ohio’s electronic machines. In a closer race, those patches might have made the difference. We believe the expectation that they would work did cause Karl Rove to do his legendary flipped-out double-take on Fox News as he was told Mitt Romney had lost Ohio. We also reported (as did The Nation) that voting machines in key Cincinnati precincts were financially linked to the Romney family. We each wrote separate articles about that and were each blacklisted by Daily Kos for doing so, even though the vast bulk of Harvey’s 150+ previous blogs on that site were about nuclear power and renewable energy. Some publications that aren’t progressive understand the problem.
Twenty-three minutes into the 2012 Election Day, Forbes took the Free Press reporting seriously, and warned voters of the dangers of private, for-profit companies owning and maintaining voting machines. Over the years we’ve been repeatedly told that we should stop reporting on electronic election theft because it might discourage voter turnout. And that the key to a Democratic victory in 2016 will be another massive vote count victory that will be “too big to steal.” Frankly, we don’t see that happening this year. And we find such talk deeply disturbing.
We have no doubt that innumerable US House and Senate races have been stolen over the years, along with governorships, control of state legislatures, referenda and more, all of it producing a deep reinforcement of the corporate control of our government. We’re also reasonably certain that neither Hillary nor Bernie is likely to amass in November a margin of victory over either Ryan or Trump that would be big enough to negate the possibility of massive disenfranchisement and electronic vote flipping in key states like Ohio, Michigan, Iowa or Arizona. And anyway … why the hell are we even thinking about leaving such a problem unsolved?"