Featured Editorials

CDC still clueless, eliminates a letter from high school sexual minorities

New York Times Magazine has delved into the newest CDC study on the health risks of lesbian, gay and bisexual high school students. I would like to have said LGBT students, but there was apparently nowhere on the survey where a participant could identify as transgender or gender nonconforming.

It’s easy to assume that now must be a better time than ever to be a lesbian, gay or bisexual teenager. We recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of same-sex marriage. Our culture has grown more accepting, too; one of the most anticipated albums of the year, Frank Ocean’s, embraces his desire for men. These factors work together to create the illusion that as a society we are barreling toward a world of complete liberation, where everyone is truly free to be whoever they are.

--Jenna Wortham, author

New Vid from Sane Progressive - National Guard Being Brought Into Standing Rock As Corporate Profit Defended Over Climate

This was published just a short while ago. Nut Shell = Military (nat. Guard) acting as "muscle" for private corporations.

From her YT page

"Published on Sep 9, 2016


If you've been following the artificial currency crisis fueled by the Austerian impulse of the European Union's Neoliberal bureaucrats under the economic domination of German Banks it should be obvious that barring some miracle the common European Currency (the Euro) is doomed to destruction. Unfortunately for some of the starry-eyed idealists (or cynical apparatchiks, take your pick) who still have (or profess) faith in the "European Project" it seems increasingly likely that the Euro's demise will take the Union with it.

What the anti-democratic drones have done so far is ignore the systemic problems (like the appalling lack of democracy) in favor of "pissing on fires", "kicking the can down the road", "slapping on a Band-Aid", "extending and pretending", and "foaming the runway", which has had the sadly predictable result of allowing things to fester until moderate solutions are ineffective and radical change required.

On the other hand you can hardly blame them. Real reform requires a Treaty unanimously approved by all 28 National governments, something that was difficult then and is probably impossible now, because people (the 99%, the electorate on which the politicians and bureaucrats depend on for their phony baloney jobs) are very, very angry.

The Anti-Antiwar Left

Many have lamented the lack of an antiwar movement in this country, the land of Empire and Imperialism. Many have also criticized the faux left that supports U.S. "interventions", those that support War Criminal Obama and want War Criminal Clinton to be the next President of the Empire.

We're not alone. They have the same problem in Europe.
