Featured Editorials

The Debate Theater

I couldn't watch the whole debate. It only took about 10 minutes before I was hurling curses at both candidates, so it was either turn the TV off or break it.
I think I made the right decision.

On one side you had the status quo candidate, smirking, arrogant, and completely oblivious and indifferent to the suffering of the working class.

Federal Judge in Ohio does the right thing

Judge Algenon Marbley is a US District Judge for the Southern District of Ohio who was appointed to the position by Bill Clinton in 1997.

On Monday Judge Marbley rejected the Highland Local Schools case challenging the DoE rule on treatment of transgender students, ordering a transgender girl to be treated "like the girl she is."

Watching a system fail and wondering about why people are so blind

There have been those who have at least the perception that if Trump wins the "American system of democracy" will be finished. The problem with that is that it is finished whether or not Trump wins.

The widespread blindness to this failure is part of why it is happening. Take this sham election, for example. Want to guess at the number of people who still see it as a demonstration of working democracy?

Last night the real debate was in the city council chambers in Charlotte, NC

There has been a lot of commentary on the farce of a debate brought to the USA public by the corporate controllers. And a lot of people who either boycotted it, or plain refused to make themselves ill watching it. I tried to watch it after the real debate, which was watched by a bit less than 2000 people who followed the City Council meeting in Charlotte, NC.

Why I Just Turned "It" Off.

We made the effort over this side of the pond to stay up late and watch the debate, well you know who is President kind of matters since it determines where the bombs fall type of thing.

As the two got going Marie-Louise and I looked at each other and 15 minutes later decided bed was by far the better option. This is the first time that I have switched a Presidential debate off. Admittedly I have missed a few when travelling, but to switch one off in utter disgust, is a first.
