Five Things I Drew From Today's NSA/FBI Testimony

1] The FBI are investigating possible Russian interference whether there is/is not.
2] Hair Trump is full of bullshit.
3] Many people are making stuff up [Dead wrong/pants on fire] as they go along.
4] Voting machines were not tampered with anywhere [with respect to this investigation].
5] Government doesn't like leaks/leakers especially when it is soooo transparent already.

Now tell me something I didn't know before the testimony, oh sorry, cant comment ongoing blah blah blah, alrighty then.

Anything over and above those five points has only hearsay to back them up.

Now what this sets up perfectly is a further continuing blizzard of infotainment. This leaves the Republicans, Democrats and the Administration with a nice smokescreen to get right on pillaging the wealth of the country for their sponsors.

When the report is eventually released [if ever] covered in black, some people might just notice just how well they have been sold out....again. Never mind buy more tinfoil! Russians!!!

You want to know who is fucking up the democratic process?

Look to the people you elected.

Democrats promise no change whatsoever from their triangulating bipartisan stick their head up their neo-liberal asses current methodology.

Republicans will still fulfil their role as the frothing at the mouth brigade.

The President, between golf games, will tweet bullshit and sign the nasty stuff Bannon gives him.

The Press will goes nuts about something or other to add to the distraction, but wont actually get to the bottom of anything important to the plebs. No doubt some glorious spittle flecked debates will decorate our monitors, wild accusations will fly along side of the winged pigs. Whatever truth there is, will be buried deep within the general noise.

Ongoing blah, blah, blah by all concerned, is the norm.


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Alligator Ed's picture

That's the amount of utility this recent charade has brought forth. Dems and Reps go around the the Ferris wheel looking for the Russians. Russians do not ride Ferris wheels. The FBI/NSA/ODNI took time off of their surveillance of us to release an absolutely pointless report. Maybe that's a good thing but it doesn't advance the cause of the 99% very much.
Investigate Trump taxes might be slightly helpful. Finding a rock for Medusa to hide under (if only she would stay put) would be helpful. Releasing leakers would be nice. Getting rid of Soros/DNC voting machines would be even better.

But issues, you know, like civil liberties and economics and good medical care--why even bother discussing that? Those things were shipped out of the country on unicorns and sent to never-never land, zealously guarded by the C.I.A. so we never see them again.

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@Alligator Ed

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Dhyerwolf's picture

4] Voting machines were not tampered with anywhere.

The only look into recounting we had definitely completely contradicts this, but our government is still pretending that we have a valid Democracy.

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@Dhyerwolf @Dhyerwolf i.e hacking the Presidential election results in certain states..I clarified in the essay now

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CB's picture

tampered with voting machines? Comey refutes that.

18:34 GMT

"We saw no indication" of efforts to compromise voter tabulation, Comey tells the committee.

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Dhyerwolf's picture

@CB But looking at both audits of Wisconsin in the general and Illinois in the primary make it very clear that the vote counts we are presented with are garbage. It sounded like the part of the testimony on this matter was about anyone tampering with the vote; I have no idea if Russia had any part.

I can dig up the videos I've seen if people are interested

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CB's picture

interfering in US elections and whether Trump and his crew had 'inappropriate contacts' with the evil Russians. It has contributed absolutely zero to the clarification of the issue.

As Clara and her friends would say about the House Select Committee on Intelligence burger: "It certainly is a big bun. It's a very big bun. It's a big fluffy bun. It's a very big fluffy...... bun." "Where's the beef?"

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Wink's picture

her DNC if any was done at all. Then, there's always Diebold. (Dear lord, I want to take a rocket launcher to that van every time I see it come around the corner). As for the Russians... the FBI seems to think not.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

edg's picture


There was no tampering with the voting machines in Wisconsin. There were a few human error type issues but that was it.

The only serious election tampering was by the DNC during the Democratic primary. That's what should be investigated.

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Dhyerwolf's picture

@edg This video heavily implies that the only reason the official results were close to matching was because discrepencies were ignored.

Which reminded me of this video from the primary, where the only reason the official results of the audit matched the vote totals was also because discrepencies were ignored.

I've found other things from Wisconsin as well (there was a journalist who did a series on it, IIRC).

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Big Al's picture

This is just further proof. This all has nothing to do with We the Serfs except we have to suffer the consequences.

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@Big Al I say so.

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CB's picture

@Big Al
and we the Serfs get it in the end every single time. The ruling elite simply change the color of the packaging every four to eight years in the hope us Serfs won't notice it's always almost an identical product when the box is eventually opened.

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@Big Al maybe you suggested how to get rid of it, but I forget. Instead of reading Fifth Sacred Thing, I started reading Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising, which was a mistake. Lighting a bowl full of hopium is how it feels now, but that's just me.

Say again, how to take it down? Stop voting for it? Is that all? If I had a stronger mind and body, I'd say Occupy the DNC (see how that book gets up in my head? oof). Non-violent direct action, protest the hell out of every super delegate, every machine operator, every consultant TYT has identified. That's the kind of action I'd sell something to fund, no more shitty politicians! Purge, purge, purge.


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Song of the lark's picture

It is facinating to watch it all transpire. But per usual the gatekkeepers, the TPTB, the deep state, the lying White House, and practically anybody who might know anything is not letting the debt slaves, 99 percent in on it. I think I will go get a vanilla milkshake and pretend to be amused at the next thing our marmot headed nit wit precedent says next. Carry on, nothing to see here..... Yet!

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@Song of the lark they still keep it all hid

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Wink's picture

@Song of the lark
This is Benghazi 2.0. Nobody (on either side) dares pull the trigger lest bullet turn around and hit them right between the eyes. They're all guilty, and they all know it. To blow the cover on one blows the cover on all. So... Benghazi all over again. All kinds of hours spent on -ahem- "Hearings" only to be handed a report about nothing.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CB's picture

site during House Select Committee on 'Intelligence'.

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@CB @CB much as I regard some of "our" own. Just as long as we bear in mind the obvious slants then the wider the reading/viewing the more information for the interpretation, it lies somewhere in there.

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CB's picture

You have to listen to the video. It's a hoot.

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edg's picture


Some of us don't have audio/video capability on our systems.

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CB's picture

He takes sound bites of questions put forth from various congress critters. Some of the questions are stupid or laughable. Most are meaningless or regurgitated media propaganda. The panel can't/won't answer most of them.

Terri Sewell, U.S. Representative for Alabama screws up and describes RT as:
"RT, the Russian US anti-propaganda outlet"

The announcer then says:
"Well, since we're now recognized as anti-propaganda network let us do just that. Fill you in on what the propaganda would not tell you."

The entire hearing was a dog and pony show.

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Steven D's picture

except for we have nukes of course, and the bigest armynavyairforcemarinesrobotbombs on the planet.

Yay US.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

gulfgal98's picture

perhaps they should start with the Democratic primaries where exit polls (widely considered very accurate) varied wildly from the official results. But no, it is easier to say the Russians did it. why are we paying these bozos in Congress?

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

that more people voted for Bernie instead of Hillary, the media and others stopped doing exit polling.
And I didn't see anyone address the Podesta emails that showed how the DNC and Hillary's campaign were conspiring against Bernie. Except to say that Russia changed the words in the emails and other types of bullshit.

The Russian interfered with the election, hacked the voting machines and the DNC is just a smoke screen for why Hillary lost the election to the most unqualified person to run for the presidency ever.

Now people are making a huge deal about tillerson skipping the NATO meetings on April 6-8 in order to meet with the Chinese president at the Trump golf club And he's going to Russia later in the month
I have read 3 articles and a diary on DK about this.
The meeting of NATO is on the same days as when the Chinese president is meeting with Trump and Tillerson is going to be at the meeting. Period. End of story.
So why is everyone saying that Tillerson going to Russia LATER IN THE MONTH such a big deal?
The two events are on different days.

Tillerson intends to miss what would be his first meeting in Brussels with the 28 NATO members to attend President Donald Trump's expected April 6-7 talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, four current and former U.S. officials said.

The decisions to skip the NATO meeting and to visit Moscow risked feeding a perception that Trump may be putting U.S. dealings with big powers before those of smaller nations that depend on Washington for their security, said two former U.S. officials.

That so many people have jumped on the Russian propaganda is astonishing.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt