Featured Editorials

Protecting and preserving nature: an essay

Environmentalists protect and preserve nature, at least the ones that come from the tradition of conservation. And that's fine. But such a formulation of environmentalism does present a particular dilemma: what parts of nature should be protected and preserved? If we are really to understand which ones we'll want to protect and preserve, and which ones we won't, we'll have to examine, very closely, all of our social phenomena, something the conservationists haven't done.

simplicius ties the Iraq war to the fall of the USSR and the PNAC neocons

Brilliant essay from someone who sees the big picture and I mean the big picture for why we set the Middle East on fire. It was just the start of the plan to conquer and control the world.

Making sense of the reason behind the Iraq war and other wars in the Middle East.

Many people are aware of the various disparate geopolitical events of the 1990s and their respective imports—from the dissolution of the USSR, to the rise of the American Neocon movement to center stage, which precipitated the imperialist military actions of the end of the 20th to the 21st centuries. But few recognize the essential teleological link binding these events with a direct causality.

When the USSR was brought to a controlled demolition in 1991, it set off a chain reaction that would change world history, and the global geopolitical landscape forever. But to understand these changes we must first start with an understanding of what the USSR represented specifically in terms of the global security framework.

Looking back at the Iraq war

What I Got Right About The Iraq War

By Dick Cheney

On the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, it’s important for us as a nation to reflect on that conflict and its consequences. As the vice president of the United States in 2003, I was one of the architects of the project to go after Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. Today, I believe it’s important to offer an honest assessment of my role in the Iraq War. Looking back on it now, I have to say that, wow, I mostly got it right.

Knock knock

open thread_52.jpg

Just spent a few days at the farm, got home last night, was to tired to produce an open thread.
So I will try to pen something this morning.
Of course, the recent news of the arrest warrant for Putin is a real hoot to come back to. The "no-knock" arrest will be an even bigger hoot. Wouldn't want to be that Swat team. Ha Ha.

Life with CBDCs w/ update

I have some free time on occasion. My brain travels to the future, when Banksters exert control over my life to comport with what is best for them.

Imagine finding a car to purchase. The dealer informs me my transaction was rejected. I follow up with a call to customer service, and a bot informs me that gas or diesel fueled vehicles will not be approved. Only $350,000 electric vehicles will be approved. Own nothing, be happy.
