What the Clinton-Kaine pick means ...
Very well done Video here .....
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K3vzfJF9Sw width:640 height:480]
Kaine is among the most hawkish figures among Senate Democrats. As governor of Virginia from 2006 to 2010, Kaine oversaw billions of dollars in cuts to the state budget. The state of Virginia is a major center for the military and defense industry, and is home to the Pentagon and the headquarters of the CIA.
Between 2009 and 2011, Kaine served as the head of the Democratic National Committee, the leadership body of the Democratic Party. He is close to Wall Street, having recently backed measures to deregulate banks.
As a Senator since 2013, Kaine has regularly called for increased US involvement in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. He has consistently supported the Obama administration’s reckless brinkmanship against Russia and China, two nuclear-armed powers. He has repeatedly pushed for a Congressional resolution officially declaring war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in order to clear the way for stepped-up US intervention.
Like Clinton, Kaine has also supported the creation of a no-fly zone in Syria, an action that would quickly provoke a confrontation with Russia.
Source: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45167.htm
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyuOdzEq9mw width:640 height:480]
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren must feel like total fools.
How can they throw their integrity away and endorse committed, lifelong Corporatist, Bankster-enabling, Neocon puppets who always kneel at the feet of the Oligarchs?
What the hell is Sanders and Warren going to say now on Monday night? That we should really be turning tail, and voting for these corrupt, pro-Establishment, anti-progressive hacks?
Who is this going to fool? The 13 Million Sanders voters? I think not. I think that the Sanders voters, and the whole Sanders movement really cared about progressive policy, and honesty. They're not going to vote for a bunch of two-faced Neocon, corporatist rot and scum -- whose actual record totally contradicts everything Sanders has been fighting for.
Nothing would be healthier and better for The Democratic Party here then to see an End put to Hillary Clinton's shameful career now! It's time for Hillary to take a fall. Only then, will Sanders or anyone else be able to ever pull the Party toward the left.
Fortunately, we do have choices for this Election:
- Jill Stein (Green Party)
- Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
- Trump (hey, at least he'll end the TPP & NAFTA, and is much less of a Neocon Warmonger than Clinton is).
The Kaine pick proves that there was no sincerity behind this idea that Clinton ever "evolved".
Screw Hillary Clinton.
Watch her fall.
Then rebuild.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHAPv1PJlYI width:640 height:480]

She was looking to show progressives that she
doesn't need us and therefore doesn't want us. She's courting moderate Republicans (if there really are such animals). Tim Kaine: Anti-abortion. Supports union busting "right to work" laws. In favor of the TPP. Wall Street toady. Great pick Hills. She's always calculating as to what will advance Hillary Rodham Clinton and nothing else.
You want to shit on progressives and court voters to the right of us? Why didn't you just go the "Full Monty" and name John Kasich? He shares most of Kaine's positions, but behind his name he has that "R" that you so covet. Foolish Hillary.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The problem with trying to reach out
To moderate Rs is that they hate her, sure they might see eye to eye on most policy but she's the boggiewoman, just like how the ACA is little more than Romneycare, and they hate it now as well since it was put up by the other team.
The pick does nothing to help her and only makes the existing attack lines against her easier.
I don't think she'll have much problem garnering
quite a number of Rockefeller Republicans.
I'm hearing a lot of Repub shills/political strategists (on XM Radio) say that they'll be voting for her. Some of those who aren't willing to split ticket, and vote for FSC, claim they will write-in House Speaker Paul Ryan as a symbolic gesture. (some admit that they will not likely make their final decision public, for fear of blowback)
Also, you have the Republican professional-class, some of whom, IMO, would hold their noses and vote for FSC--because she is a fiscal austerian, and is, therefore, likely to be willing to go after entitlements.
(Many business owners want to see Social Security axed, so that they don't have to pay their match.)
Mostly, the folks in the Repub Party who wouldn't consider voting for FSC, are the cultural conservatives, the Evangelicals, and/or the Reagan Dems--working class white dudes in the Rust Belt, many of whom are actually registered as Democrats, but beginning with Ronald Reagan, usually cast their vote for Republicans (for President)--if they voted.
I agree that her selection of Kaine as a running mate is insulting.
And, I'd like to believe that it's a bad move (for her) politically. But, I'm not so sure.
If the progressive community would make a concentrated, targeted, and organized effort to expose her and Kaine's agenda/policy stances, I 'think' that she could be defeated.
The only question is--will this happen?
By that, I mean more than just venting on blogs, which I admit to doing my share of--so, not a criticism of anyone. But, the selection of Kaine as her VP running mate, tells me that this alone is not enough to stop the neoliberal Dem juggernaut, known as the Clinton Machine.
BTW, I don't claim to have the answers--just looking for some. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, since I'm often left feeling like I'm accomplishing very little, lately.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
a few months of Koch bros paid ads on a continuous loop showing what a wonderful courageous person she is and what a scoundrel trump is will soften them up a bit...
The Guardian says Kaine is a "smart" pick. It's an alienating
choice to people who believe in workplace democracy; equal treatment under the law; that elected officials should not accept gifts from lobbyists and other special interests; that the USA should remain a pro-choice country; that the military and intelligence agencies should have their appropriations cut in half; and the the USA does not need a military presence in the vast majority of the world's countries. The list is longer but Kaine is not worth my time and effort.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Good summary
I wasn't aware of the informed consent laws in Virginia. He's a very disappointing pick. Next week will be very interesting.
Hillary Kaine
More of the Same.
Our local rag (MN Star Tribune) had an editorial supporting the pick, prattling on about how 'progressive' the Platform is (so Sanders supporters should be happy). I just started laughing at that point and gave up reading. Every sentient being knows that the glorious Platform will be ditched straight after the convention.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The Humanist Report
is often quite good. Thanks for posting the clip.
I'm not fluent, but I can speak a little Spanish too - wonder if that would qualify me for some small job in Killary's administration.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
He speaks spanish
Every time I switch to a news network that is what I'm hearing. Being able to speak Spanish is his main qualification for the job? And will that get Spanish speakers to vote for Hillary? If I was hispanic I would feel insulted.
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
Here's to You, Progressive Supporters!
inactive account
The loathing is mutual
from a reasonably stable genius.
Somebody got carried away
with the airbrush. Hagatha's face hasn't been that wrinkle free in decades.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
We've got nicknames!
I spotted this in a "not impressed with the VP pick" diary.
The old 'Purity' canard
An oldie but a goodie............. and obviously still a winner over on Dead State.
(Four months since I've heard that term.)
from a reasonably stable genius.
It's not that we're
purists. It's just that clinton supporters live under a very low bar. When you're rolling around in shit 24/7 anyone that doesn't think like you looks pure...
Bernie actually had to
Bernie actually had to 'endorse' Hillary in order to not be stripped of his delegate power and to stay in until the Convention to continue the fight for the people. Now, he keeps his message of democracy and a sane, sustainable and caring society going across the country while Hillary flaunts her corporate stripes before The People and more protests, investigations and lawsuits build. As does the Green Party.
Vote against evil.
Edit: Hill's new partner-in-crime looks remarkably like the Grinch, doesn't he? Any relation, do you think? Or is it just his tendencies producing a similar appearance?
Re-edit: it occurs to me, watching the first video, that, (assuming Warren's for real in this area and honestly concerned about a regulated, viable banking system and economy, as seems likely,) that she'd recognize as being entirely predictable that the corporate reaction to the notion of her as VP would entail Wall St. threatening to pull Hillary's funding, initiating Hillary's immediate run-screaming-to-corporate-ReDemlican-choice response, thereby showing her corporate dependencies. Was this perhaps a way to help Hillary display these corporate dependencies without sticking her political neck out for the axe the Clinton's keep grinding and ready for anyone not actively supporting them?
And the fact that Hillary's VP selection believes in controlling women's bodies and health choices merely verifies suspicions about Hillary's tendencies in that area. The Clinton's utter lack of respect for the rules and laws imposed on others by its very nature includes an utter lack of respect for the rights and feelings of others, and this has been demonstrated in numerous ways over the years.
A US President - as with any US public servant paid by the public to work for the public in any position - needs to believe in and work toward democracy, or they are no legitimate President at all of a government intended to be of, by and for the people, with equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all.
And another edit to add that if anyone actually believes that Trump will end corporate coup 'trade bills' if he's convinced that it's in HIS financial self-interest to keep them, you might want to gain a better understanding of the guy. His behaviours are already those of a ignorant sociopathic tin-pot tyrant in - apart from everything else - using financial power and BS to get back at/silence anyone criticizing his behaviours. He does not need to be given the (unconstitutional but previously used) ability to imprison/kill people for political or personal reasons, global power, and control over the world's largest military to exercise and expand these tendencies.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
(No subject)
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Another reaction to Kaine
From Sally Kohn, CNN Political Commentator:
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
She Made Her Choice
Yes, she made her choice: she chose "moderate" Republicans over the majority of the American people, the young, and people of color. In the short term (i.e., this election) that strategy might (or might not) help her, but in the long term it's a disaster. The young and people of color are going to increase in numbers and power over the next 5 to 10 years. The Democratic party will need to make some significant changes ASAP or become irrelevant.
Citizen Kaine.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
But Rosebud will be ridden by Her Heiniousity
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Hillary's VP Pick ensures a Trump win in November
Sanders voters are going third party. And so are, say, 42 million people burdened by predatory student debt, as Jill Stein has noted. And so are lots of other people, with or without Sanders.
Lots of other people couldn't give a f**k what happens to this country, they may well also be voting in November. Say hello to Donald Trump.
The Clinton's haven't learned: you can only bend people over a barrel for so long.
One way after another the Dem party is taking people's virtues and turning those virtues against them.
If I'm Black, if I'm Latino, I'm going to face such punishment if Trump is prez (backed by a Tea Party dominated Congress). It's clear that I have to reject the "don't vote for the lesser of 2 evil's" mantra of Jill Stein. I have to go with the dem's. If I'm not Black or Latino, and I am sick of the Lo2E's triangulation, and I want to vote Green, then I have to throw my Black and Latino brothers and sisters under the bus. In order not to do that, I have to vote Clinton, because Lo2E's.
Virtue (I care about the fate of others, as well as my own) becomes vice (so I help elect HRC. The only down-ticket candidates that survive will be HRC-compliant--see below.) That seems to be a pretty good definition of Evil. Don't ever give them enough power that they can create these kinds of scenario's, as Pluto's Republic suggests here.
But I think HRC has another motive for the Kaine pick, a motive that's directed at the Bernie movement, which she wants to make sure is stillborn.
HRC VP pick cuts the legs out from under Bernie. She now shows just how highly she esteems his primary campaign and all that it stands for . Bernie in the Senate gets squat if HRC is prez. But there's more. Hillary has just dealt a death blow to Bernie's initiatives--the Bernie Institute, Our Revolution--whereby he would work within the dem party to help elect progressives in down-ticket races. Those efforts are now useless, as the dem party now openly demonstrates its univocal hostility to anything that's progressive, such as anything that questions the power of money.
From here on in, any truly progressive candidate will have to run third party--a much more circuitous and difficult route into office than it would have been running dem, with Bernie's help on the inside.
After the Kaine VP pick, with all its implications for the political possibilities open, and not-open, for this country, Bernie needs to walk out of the dem convention and take his delegates with him to a third party. He now knows that he has nothing to lose. Third parties are already strong enough to derail HRC's success and HRC's political "vision" is now in full Trump mode.
And Bernie might win.