Community Content

Bill Blasts Bernie Backers As Unrealistic, Offers Tone-Deaf Fairy Tale Answer for Inequality

Bill just doesn’t get it. No one in the Clinton camp seems to understand why so many young people are flocking to Bernie Sanders or how to connect with them in a way that would unify the party in November should Hillary win the nomination. Most of their explanations so far have pegged these supporters as hopelessly naive, unrealistic and idealistic.

Personal Resilience: Low-Tech - the Rotary Phone

Hi there. Here is my pride and joy: my Northern Telecoms (when it still made things, before it descended into crookery) rotary phone. I bought it on Kijiji. It probably anchored some bureaucrat’s desk in Ottawa for donkey years. Anyway, my son showed me how to fix its cable and it works great. More below, including disgusting photos of its gizzards :=)

Digital Photography Surprises: Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch

(I'm cross posting for people who have requested I not link to the GOS)

Welcome to Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. One of the things about digital cameras is that you really don't know what you are going to get until you pull it up on the computer. These are some of the surprises I discovered.

Bernie's Digital Director: Yesterday we made over 1.3 million phone calls! Let’s do it again today! NEW GOAL: 2.6 million calls to #TakeNYbyPhone

Bernie 2016 - Digital Organizing Director posted at reddit yesterday evening:

TEAM: together, we did something incredible today. Almost 6,800 of you logged in and made calls during NY calling hours. That was a few hundred short of the 7,500 callers we were hoping for on Day 1 of our big #TakeNYbyPhone weekend, BUT you made up for it and we blew past our goal of 1 million calls for Day 1, with over 1.3 million calls in total!!

Caveat lector--failings in modern medical information

Caveat emptor = let the buyer be ware
Caveat lector = let the reader be ware.

For those with an interest in health-related information please note the following (if you're a Dr. Oz fan, you probably should not read this--this also applies to Dr. Phil fans).


As far as the hilbots are concerned the data can't be real nor is the writer being honest. As I read through this article I had no qualms about the honesty and believable research. But as soon as the hrc train got rolling the screams of CT (?) started. Is this possible?
