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The Other Historical Event We Should Celebrate in July

PA Con 1776.jpg

John Adams must have shaken his head as he watched delegates to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention filing into the West Room of the Statehouse on July 15, 1776. Across the hall in the East Room, Adams and his colleagues in the Continental Congress had recently voted to declare the thirteen colonies independence from Great Britain. Now the newly independent states would each have to create new "republican" constitutions. A month before, Adams had worried that the new constitutions would be influenced by a "spirit of leveling, as well as that of innovation." In the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, perhaps the most radically democratic in the world at the time, Adams worst fears would be realized.

When candidates and the media are gaslighting you, democracy doesn't work

There are no Maginot Lines in politics, no permanent positions. Politics is swordfighting, a swirling dance of thrust and parry. Before JFK, the Democratic Party was the home of Southern racists. Republicans started as the party of Lincoln. More recently, liberals used to be FDR New Dealers, before they became Clintonite corporate neoliberals. My point is that, in the current world, political labels are meaningless (if not downright misleading), policy papers and talking points are meaningless. It is by their actions that you know politicians.

Independent, Progressive, Socialist, Left News (Where Do YOU Find It?!)

Over the past decades, commuting to work or driving around, as well as at home, I often tuned into National Public Radio (NPR) and listened as it changed from a somewhat decent source of information and news into just yet another establishment mouthpiece funded by conservative think tanks, the Koch machine, etc. It was the only place I knew to get any semblance of "real" news, even though I knew it was heavily biased. I mean, where else was there to go?!? Talk radio? Good luck there!
