Why H. Clinton does not deserve the Latino Vote
Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Latino Vote by Hector Luis Alamo http://www.latinorebels.com/2016/02/11/why-hillary-clinton-doesnt-deserv...
Hillary Clinton Discovers, and Lies, to Puerto Rico https://waragainstallpuertoricans.com/2016/05/11/hillary-clinton-discove...
I am not surprised and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Bernie's support amongst Latinos is way higher in California and Puerto Rico than the polls indicate. Clinton lost it in California the minute her campaign started dog whistling using the community protest in East LA as an example of "Sanders thuggery". It was complete racist mierda.
That and the mierda about "legal processes" and "sending a message", not to mention Obama's outrageous record of deportation centers, mass deportations and harassment of the Hispanic community and sending security forces to the southern (!!) Mexican border to harrass and arrest, perhaps kill refugees. And remember it took H. Clinton nearly forever at the debate to say, I won't deport any children. It was a lie and obvious to any Latinos watching, especially if you saw her earlier on CNN (linked). Bernie clearly (like the fracking) said no deporting of children. Period. Then there is the word of mouth and BIG families and a whole lot of non-voting radical refugees in the community talking to voting paisanos.
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is being destroyed by vulture hedge funds. Some of the same vulture funds have donated over a million dollars to the Clintons. I personally posted the hedge fund documentation on Puerto Rican news sites commentary and sent the documentation to the Sanders campaign. Clinton's program is a sick joke (see the article linked). Essentially what it means is selling out Puerto Rico to the banksters, forcing austerity measures (closing schools, hospitals) and no binding choice. Sanders platform is to have a binding referendum with at least three choices.
Vulture Hedge Funds in Puerto Rico - Donors to the Clintons
Hillary Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, has received the legal maximum donation of $2,700 from bankers [their employees etc.] at Fortress Investment Group and four-figure contributions from bankers at Perry Capital, Blue Mountain Capital, and Angelo, Gordon & Co., according to Federal Election Commission filings. A banker with Apollo Global Management also donated the legal limit to Clinton, and that hedge fund paid her $250,000 for a speech in May, according to her personal finance disclosure."
In December, Wesley Edens, co-founder of Fortress Investment Group attended a joint fundraiser for Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee held at the Manhattan home of Blackstone Group President Hamilton “Tony” James and his wife, as first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
In California home mortgage foreclosures hit the Hispanic community hard. Banker Bros! Gentrification is another big issue i.e. destroying Hispanic communities. Her program is more about bankers and public/private participation than anything else. Another point is the private deportation centers (more Clinton donor here), mass harrassment and deportation of Latinos. There are a lot of families that have family members deported. A good issue Bernie should propose would be making it easier and cheaper to send remisas (funds) to relatives through the post office banking system Bernie has proposed. And last, payday loan sharks.
A good issue Bernie should bring up would be making it easier and cheaper to send remisas (funds) to relatives through the post office banking system Bernie has proposed. And last, payday loan sharks.
Hillary Clinton spoke on CNN saying it is the Central American countries are at fault (typical victim blaming) and her top proposal is to send "more law enforcement and security forces" to central America. The mentions the "best emergency care possible" which sounds like a euphenism for continued funding of private detention centers run by donors to her campaign and/or phony charity. Then provide "border security in Southern Mexico", in other words militarize the southern border of a sovereign state. Then, "They should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who the adults in their family are." How many children, "All of them that can be. We have to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border doesn't mean the child gets to stay."
Immediate Action
The problem is getting the news out, so I urge any Hispanic, Carribean and any other friends to start posting commentary in places like the LA Times etc. and Puerto Rican papers (Spanglish or English will do). Twitter as well. I believe this is as important as phone banking.Now!
Unfortunately my main computer died on me last week and all my notes are on it. Hopefully next week that will be fixed. In the meantime, hermanos y hermanas, please make the round of commentary with facts.
Note: Big issue in Puerto Rico is correlating bank donations to Clinton with the economic disaster. The same hedge funds donating to the Clintons are lobbying to kill the bankruptcy bill. Clinton will force Puerto Rico to pay off every centavo with interest to her bankster bros.

Puerto Rico Democrats abandoning Clinton in droves
"WASHINGTON - Yesterday, leading U.S. trade unions and sectors of the diaspora increased their pressure on Democrats to disassociate themselves from H.R. 5278, which would impose a federal fiscal control board over the government of Puerto Rico, and which will be taken to vote on Wednesday.
The position adopted by Clinton regarding H.R. 5278, together with her lack of support for the release from prison of political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, has differentiated her positions from those of Senator Sanders regarding the island. Yesterday, Mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulín Cruz (according to Radio Isla) and activist Pedro Julio Serrano announced that they had withdrawn their endorsements for Hillary Clinton."
From the Light House.
Sanders Position - In Spanish
Sanders reitera firme oposición a junta de control fiscal sobre Puerto Rico
Sanders añadió que tampoco "podemos permitir que el líder de la mayoría del Senado y el presidente de la Cámara Baja determinen el destino de Puerto Rico escogiendo a la mayoría de los miembros de la junta de control, mientras que el pueblo boricua no puede escoger a ninguno".
"Eso podría tener sentido para los grupos que representan a Wall Street, pero no tiene ningún sentido para mí", argumentó el senador, que aspira a hacerse con la nominación a la candidatura demócrata a la Casa Blanca de cara a las elecciones del próximo noviembre.
En su opinión, "lo que el Congreso debe hacer es actuar de inmediato para dar a Puerto Rico la misma autoridad concedida a todos los municipios de este país para reestructurar su deuda bajo la supervisión de un tribunal de bancarrota".
En ese sentido, reiteró que "los multimillonarios que manejan fondos buitres en Wall Street no pueden obtener un retorno del 100 % en sus bonos, mientras que los trabajadores, los ancianos y los niños sufren".
My Note: Sorry, too lazy to translate this, try Google Translator please.
From the Light House.
Criminal Conspiracy, Citibank from Caribbean News Now!
The real reasons Congress cannot solve the Puerto Rico financial crisis
"Over the past few months, the Puerto Rico Senate has held special committee hearings involving the financial collapse of their largest utility company (PREPA). Sworn testimony indicated that the utility, the ratings companies and Wall Street’s biggest banks knew the utility was bankrupt as early as 2010.
However, for the right fees, a good credit rating could be purchased and these unpayable bonds could be sold to unsuspecting investors as safe retirement income.
The Senate turned over all the evidence to the FBI last week. There are strong indications this alleged criminal conspiracy is not limited to just the $10 billion in utility bonds. The SEC has been auditing the utility and will be out with their findings in 15-45 days.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was the chief operating officer of Citibank from 2006-2008 and was one of the first banks to sell these bonds. His unconfirmed assistants Antonio Weiss (counsel) and Stephen Campbell (counsel) then resold these junk bonds before joining Secretary Lew at the Treasury Department."
Senators Sanders and Warren opposed "the nomination of Antonio Weiss to Treasury undersecretary for domestic finance; he instead will serve as a counselor to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew..."
"Warren wants to make sure that Wall Street-aligned figures who have shaped the Clinton and Obama brand of economic policy for the past quarter-century, going back to former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, are not the only ones at the oval mahogany table.
"The worst case for us is that (Clinton) gives a feisty speech now and then, but surrounds herself with the same old" economic gurus, said one longtime Warren ally, insisting upon anonymity to speak frankly."
From the Light House.
Latinos and #$Hillary
I wish we Texans had known about her SoS connection to the hell that has become of Central America, all for the love of money, before our primary.
Berta was assassinated on March 3rd, our primary was on March 1st, with early voting prior to that. It wasn't until after Berta's assassination, that I learned about all the blood on her hands. She didn't get my vote anyway, but I can't help but believe that had more Latinos, here in Tx, known more about her responsibility in the political upheaval in Central America, and sending babies back to face certain death to make a point (what an evil bitch!), the turnout might have been different.
And, if more Black voters knew about her "bring them to heel" (evil bitch again!) speech, her ass would be served up on a silver platter!
Did anyone else hear the "go home" comment from a #Killary supporter to the East LA protestors in that YouTube video? One of them was shooting the finger at them too. Just like Little Napoleon at TOS - #$Hillary supporters keeping it classy!
#NeverHillary #BernieOrBust
We have to make sure..
That the real issues and positions are understood by our community before the end of the primaries. I do this by posting on newspaper commentary where I can. It is costly in time and I can't do it alone. I do suggest that the word "evil bitch" not be used and be replaced to something gender neutral, please.
The assassination of Bertha broke my heart, but then my heart has been broken for decades. I am very happy Bolivia is still in the forefront of revolution.
I didn't see the giving the finger episode, and thought I had seen everything. Link please?
From the Light House.
She's slippery, slithery, and poisonous.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Won't call her evil bitch in your essays again
Will call her that and more elsewhere.
Here's the video. The bird flip happens at the end as #Killary supporters are apparently leaving her love fest and are walking a bit of a gauntlet (awesome walk of shame, if you ask me --).
I found it here on c99. Enjoy!
Thank you Alex
I wish this news was out prior to the primaries, especially in Texas and New York. Sigh. I think if there could be a do-over many would support Bernie. Thanks for doing what you do to influence those who are yet to vote.
Not enough time
There was no time to get a campaign together for Super-Tuesday. There was only three weeks between NH and ST. For how many states? The vote there had a lot to do with the perception that Clinton was already the winner and the official candidate of the Democratic Party. Also, Socialist and Jewish are not terribly popular in the South.
From the Light House.
Thank you Deja. That was beautiful. NT
From the Light House.
Gracias, Alex. Esto es muy importante....
Yo soy Latina, y estoy trabajando para Bernie. Viva Bernie
Hillary Clinton's Dark Drug War Legacy in Mexico
"Indeed, in 2009 and 2010 - the middle years of Clinton's tenure at State - US embassy cables boasted that intelligence and military cooperation between the two countries had never been better. Such cables, and the full archival orbit of declassified and leaked US and Mexican records, demonstrate that Clinton's State Department repeatedly cleared the delivery of US assistance training and equipment to security forces implicated in corruption or abuse.
One document from June 2011 recorded a visit of US officials to the northern state of Tamaulipas in May 2011 to assess training needs for state security forces. The visit came as Mexico's federal authorities were trying to cover up the discovery of mass graves from the recent San Fernando massacres in the region. Even as US officials were reporting on the Mexican government's complicity and cover-up of the massacres, the US embassy recommended further training for Tamaulipas security forces.
The same document also reports that Mexican immigration agents had been fired for kidnapping migrants. Yet the delivery of biometric data equipment to the same agency continued unimpeded."
From the Light House.
Criminalization of Brown Kids: My Story with Policing
By: Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez
Excerpt: "Because when I was in middle school, I was accused of being a bully. Because when I was in graduate school some person told me that I needed to speak nicer so that I could be taken seriously. Because some white girl emailed me telling me that my writings were too angry, and I could reach a wider audience if I learned to address everyone aka white people like her. Because when a white cop pulled me over, and told me that he did so because he saw that I was not wearing my seatbelt and I chuckled because that is not an infraction that mandates I am pulled over, but he did not want to admit that he profiled me as “illegal” and wanted to check my license to prove his suspicions. Because people are assholes and treat POC and people from a working-poor context like we are filth, and when we react they scream and demand that our personhood remain intact."
From the Light House.
A Moral Economy -- Bernie Sanders
From the Light House.
Tenemos Familias - Bernie Sanders
From the Light House.
And yet, despite the need for
And yet, despite the need for Sanders, the elites of the established Dem Party want to cram Hillary down our throats so that they can have their access to billionaire handouts, while leaving all others out in the cold, and with nothing. Thank you for this thread Alex.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Thanks, Alex
I'm glad you are posting here. I hope you are feeling welcomed here. You bring important information.
Ad Hoc Group Sues Puerto Rico
Bondholders sue over Puerto Rico debt-moratorium law
"If the commonwealth cannot proceed with its intention to restructure the debt in an organized manner, chaotic litigation will ensue and the courts can take control of the limited resources of the government and make them available to the interests of the Wall street funds," the governor said in a written statement Saturday evening. "We are not going to close the government to pay a considerable profit to the hedge funds, who bought the bonds at a big discount after the crisis began."
The Ad Hoc Group behind the lawsuit comprises five investment funds that hold $900 million of the GDB's nearly $4 billion in outstanding debt.
"... bond insurer Ambac Assurance Corp. filed suit to seek the appointment of a receiver at the Puerto Rico Highways & Transportation Authority
What "Ad Hoc Group"? It might take some digging but I think we will find some familiar vultures.
From the Light House.
After Venezuela, we knew this was coming. /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
More research thread
More research here: http://caucus99percent.com/content/vulture-funds-suing-puerto-rico-tied-...
From the Light House.