Who is 'your cable provider'?

SCAM CALLER: Hello this is Leo with your cable provider. We have been reviewing our records and we think we can save you some money on your cable bill.

ME: Oh, I would be very interested in hearing more about that. (I do not have cable)

SC: Great.

ME: Who is 'your cable provider'?

SC: Who is my cable provider?

ME: No. Who is 'your cable provider'?

SC: I'm calling from your cable provider.

ME: I understand. I just don't know who 'your cable provider' is.

SC: ??


SC: Why would you want to know who my cable provider is?

ME: Hold on. Are we talking about your cable provider or 'your cable provider'?

SC: Sir? I do not understand.

ME: Isn't that who you are calling from?

SC: No. I'm not calling from my cable provider, I'm calling from your cable provider.

ME: Yeah, I know. Why would I think you're calling from your cable provider? That would be weird.

SC: Isn't that what you just said?

ME: No. I understand very clearly that you are calling from 'your cable provider.'

SC: Sir, I am calling from YOUR cable provider.

ME: O.K. then! Now what's this business about 'your cable provider' saving me money on my cable bill?

SC: No! My cable provider has nothing to do with this.

ME: Look, son. If you want to save me money on my cable bill the least you can do is tell me who 'your cable provider' is.

SC: I have the same cable provider as you have.

ME: I don't have cable.

SC: But I'm calling from your cable provider.

ME: I don't care who you're calling from I still don't have cable!

8 users have voted.



is not one of the options available on their screen
to the solicitor it is quite simple, no feedback is
possible unless it lies within their simple frame work

if the outfit actually bothers with niceties, you will be
transferred to a superior, the majority of which exist in
the same scripted nonchalance, if you can get thru

customer service has become a falsification of options
please press 7 to reach a reality which is nonexistent
otherwise, please hold indefinitely

3 users have voted.
bondibox's picture

@QMS I suppose there is a way to request a password reset if you know the exact amount of the last cable bill and the user's zipcode. So these scammers go around calling from "your cable company" the first guy will give you a fake satisfaction survey and "confirm" your zipcode then he asks for your name and the amount of your last bill. At that point I was at the restaurant so I told the guy I needed to look for my glasses and then I left the phone in the car. When I came back they were still on the line waiting.

5 users have voted.

F the F'n D's