Of course --
Submitted by Cassiodorus on Sat, 08/24/2024 - 10:22pmIf you've been promoted from junior high or middle school you've learned never to trust anything any of these people say in an election run-up.
If you've been promoted from junior high or middle school you've learned never to trust anything any of these people say in an election run-up.
To steal some of the glory from the first female only spacewalk team ... er, I mean to help celebrate female spacewalking achievements, Ms. Hillary Clinton recently reminded us that she was inspired by President Kennedy's famous Moon Speech in 1962. She wrote NASA when she was a little girl to inquire about becoming an astronaut. Sadly, she was told women weren't permitted in the astronaut program.
What happens when ... when the Dog finally catches the Car?
Unfortunately, we are about to find out ...
Make your own and share them below, it's easy and fun.
If you come across any that are great that I missed please share them as well.
FSM knows we all could use a chuckle before the upcoming shit show, aka The Democratic Convention.
Hmmm, I wonder what would be a good comic strip to do some Hillary ones to? Any suggestions?