Since the War on Terror has been Lost, Why are they Still Pretending to Fight it?
“And if human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change those laws so we can do it.”
Teresa May, British Prime Minister June 2017
Thereby unequivocally admitting the terrorists have won.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
Benjamin Franklin, 1755
You Don't Deserve Liberty or Safety!
Ole Ben didn't really mean that the way we tend to interpret it relative to the 21st Century (or more?) War OF Terror Era (Epoch?) with the global military, spy and police state pretending to keep us safe while actually tightening our chains further. But what the heck, it fits anyway.
Of course, the war on terror, now in it's sixteenth year, was never meant to be lost or won because it can't be lost or won. They can't "win" it because then what would they do? And they can never lose it either because that's just not a reality that can happen. Losing means an ending. It is in reality a war OF terror. Terror didn't start with the false flag attack on the U.S. in 2001 and it won't end with the pretend defeat of ISIS in Syria. Terror is a condition created by actions, actions that can be created or caused. It is a condition of fear and uncertainty. Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation for political aims. The political aim in this case, in the fake War OF Terror Era, is to create fear in the citizenry so they will agree to keep it going FOREVER. I'm talking about the political aim of the REAL terrorists, our own governments and the oligarchies backing them. All it takes is periodic attacks on innocent people, or made up attacks on made up people, to maintain the fraud.
Not only maintain, but as Teresa May and Donald Trump have made clear, to increase and strengthen their grip on all of us.
They cannot stop now. The military industrial complex alone requires a continuous array of enemies to justify the addiction to human killing machines, spying tools, and police state weapons and the money, wealth and power that comes with it. Not to mention the satisfaction they get from killing people and destroying countries. It seems assured that human kind will continue this mad quest to kill itself off. The human traits of greed and lust for power ensure the struggle to try to end it will be monumental if it can be undertaken at all.
If you can sit back and think about it, what's happened since 9/11 and how our liberty and freedom keep becoming more restricted, it's frightening to think where we're headed if we don't stop it.
Before it's too late.
"Is it true, that along time ago, firemen used to put out fires and not burn books?"
"Oh, what a strange idea!"

Anybody who resists will be called a terrorist.
But that's just par for the course.
Every single lie that can be told about those that stand up to the PTB will be told. Every single one.
As it is, I have a very hard time believing that those they want us to fear are as evil as they constantly claim. I have spoken to some of those "AWFUL RACIST EVIL!!!!" Trump supporters. After all, I may disagree with them, but that's no reason to never speak or listen to them.
It is after all, what the PTB don't want. People, ordinary people... talking to each other.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Remember the Bahraini dissidents
That situation is abroad, but I expect that interpretation will come back here soon enough.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
After the monument at Pearl Roundabout was destroyed and
the Saudi tanks and armored trucks rolled into Bahrain, it should have become evident to all that the Obama administration too was in the hands of Death Eaters.
the terrorists won on the day the PATRIOT act became
everything since then has been a mopping-up action.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
And we deserve every bit of it because we allow it.
@UntimelyRippd Was going to say
The War on Terror was already lost when they installed things such as the Patriot Act, along with NSA and increased hyper-vigilant airport security via TSA, where grandma gets patted down to check for a bomb in her bra. Or you get zapped via a mega X-ray where they can look through your clothes.
As Al mentioned, the War on Terror can't end. Terrorism is a tactic. There isn't a defined state, an end goal, any real sense of a plan or reason. Sadly, people just accept this, this nebulous and downward spiral to utter meaningless phrase of "fighting terrorism".
You would think after 16 years, people would start to wonder. Wonder on how this just isn't working, for instance. Perhaps people need more time. Perhaps at the 20 year mark, people will begin to question it. Or not.
Everybody knows that War on Terror means War on Islam.
But Islam fired the first shot on September 11.
Was that a false flag? Maybe, maybe not. I'm sure I don't know. But the war is with Islam, not a method.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Neither the terrorists who participated
in the 9/11 attacks (nor their mostly Saudi sponsors) are representative of Islam. They certainly claim to represent Islam, but that doesn't mean that they actually do.
It's a dreadful misnomer to label the crimes of Wahhabist Takfiris "Islamic Terrorism". To do so is to misidentify both the source and the nature of the doctrines that inspire fanatical terrorism. The source is not Islam per se, but rather a specific minority sect of Islam. This an extremely important distinction to make, in order to correctly identify who and what is responsible for these various criminal attacks. Unfortunately it is not made often enough.
^^^^^^^ This!
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
True enough.
But ask the man in the street who the enemy is in the war on terror. He may say ISIS or Islamic extremists, but he is much more likely to say "Muslims". Very few will say "Anyone who uses terror as a weapon". If it were truly a "War on Terror(ism)" we would be the enemy as several have pointed out.
"Axis of Evil" was a phrase intended to conjure up visions of WW II, Pearl Harbor and Auschwitz. There was/is no such connection between Iraq/Iran, North Korea. It was just a propaganda phrase.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This is true,
but I think it's also important to distinguish specifically Wahhabi Takfiri terrorism from the more abstract phenomenon of terrorism in general. The latter classification might include any number of unrelated inspirational ideas within it, while the former represents a singular, well-organized, well-armed, and global campaign that is far more dangerous. I don't think it is accurate to conflate the one with the other.
What percent of voting population even knows the terms, though?
People like me have been decrying Salafists, Wahhabists, and takfiri for decades — somehow I still don’t have the impression that the broader public is aware of such fine points.
If people were, the ruling elites couldn’t get away with supporting Saudi Arabia. People would know the Saudis are sponsor Number One of Salafism and Wahhabism. The KSA would be held in the same low regard as the KKK.
Exactly that lotizard,
and the reason the general public remains unaware of this crucial connection, is that US corporate media has failed to draw attention to it, or even to mention it, for the most part. I do not suppose that this egregious inattention has been entirely due to neglect or simple ignorance... no, I think it has been a deliberate, intentional, and coordinated policy on their part.
Anyone who still thinks that the US media giants are presenting an objective view of global affairs, has not been paying close enough attention during the past year or so. Unfortunately, that would include a majority of TOP's membership, who remain immersed in the dualistic politics of D vs R theatricality, with barely a glance at the larger context in which these partisan battles unfold.
Agree with both of you!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The roots of which feed from the Saudi financed
madrassas built all around the world. The only way to stop jihadist Wahhabist terrorism is to completely destroy the House of Saud. Even then it will take generations to eradicate this shit-stain on humanity. Trump has just given them a new lease on life - just as every fucking president has done before. Saudi money now has the US government by the balls. They could destabilize the US markets and possibly even destroy the US$ as the world's reserve currency. The backlash could instigate global economic collapse.
Agreed, but even if the House of Saud
were to be utterly destroyed, the Wahhabi Mullahs that support it would live on. They would however, be deprived of their current sources of wealth and global reach. One can hope that the House of Saud will fall, but it doesn't look like it will, any time soon. Not as long as it's got Trump, and practically every other "Western" politician kissing its be-jeweled fingers, and inviting its Princes and Sheiks to classy soirees in Amsterdam, New York, and Paris.
More importantly, the printing presses
We've pushed back against this for years, and the PTB aren't interested in slowing down KSA or in changing anything.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The real War on Terror was the New Deal.
As Roosevelt said, "We have nothing to fear but fear(Terror) itself."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Your question
Big Al, you asked:
and the answer, of course:
[video: width:500 height:350]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I have to think Benjamin would be pissed
It’s about the Binyamin
What Netanyahu wants, Netanyahu gets.
What other son of Philadelphia can say that?
It's time to take the keys away
The leadership is drunk on power and we're headed for destruction.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
redacted - misplaced snark /nt
trump in his own way is laying it all out to see
while painful now, hopefully he wakes us all up to the fact the
WOTE is being waged against us.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I have to respectfully disagree with the heading
There never was a War ON Terror. It has always been a War OF Terror and the MIC is winning this war.
If we scratch deep enough, we find the majority of the successful terrorists were created by the very same domestic agencies that were tasked with fighting them.
The fireman analogy in your video speaks the truth.
If the Chief of your local Fire Department
is a secret arsonist, you've got a big problem.
It's only secret to those who continue to keep their heads
firmly stuffed up their backsides. That arsonist lights fires right in plain sight all the while telling us it is only a backfire. These people who are lighting the fires know exactly how they spread - they are not stupid
Not stupid, but profoundly unwise
and narrow-minded. We are beset by an entire class of elite, would-be intellectuals whose half-baked notions of American exceptionalism run counter to any realistic assessment of the actual state of 21st-century global affairs. These are highly-educated people, whose education seems to have blinded them to the fact that they have been fed on a diet that consists largely of pseudo-patriotic hogwash. Successful academicians are getting paid to think like this... promoted, advanced and celebrated for it.
Education is often over-rated,
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Especially if hogwash pays way better than champagne.
I suppose if you squint your eyes and hold your nose, you can get used to it.
They'd definitely rather sell us the hogwash
Good champagne costs money, and requires real time, effort and care. They'll put the hogwash in a nice bottle though.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Actually the headline is a play on the false narrative
I think I was one of the first who have been calling it a war OF terror, in fact I had that as my sig line at Daily Kos way back.
Yes Big Al, you were I think the very first to
coin the term War OF Terror, over at TOP. Bravo. It might also be called the War of ERROR, in that it deliberately mis-identifies who and what and why this so-called "War" is supposed to be all about. Smoke and mirrors my good man, it's all been smoke and mirrors right from the very start of it.
"... war on everything "- robert stone
it's how we roll.
stop the bus, driver. I want to get off.
Sorry son, the locks are remote-controlled
from the outside.
Yep. I remember you well (WashSt)
Remember when we were fighting against the "humanitarian" war in Libya? We were eventually proved to be right. Not one of them has ever admitted they were completely wrong.
Fucking minds like sheep. Wars and military intervention are good if it's your man in the WH.
It seems like just yesterday
Remind me, how are Dems different than Reps again?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
their names are spelled differently.
(R)'s hate black people. (D)'s hate white people.
That's the easy way to tell them apart.
BOTH hate working people, of any color.
To amplify, these race hates are encouraged to prevent the serfs from joining together against the oligarchs.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
We are sleep walking towards war
This article tells this better than I can put into words. I have been cleaning my bookmarks to see if they are outdated and re-read it. It goes into great detail about how TPTB have been manipulating us to get us on board with their plans for ramping up the wars. And unfortunately, the people who are believing in the "Russian interfered with the election" propaganda are doing it without understanding how badly they are being manipulated.
Sleepwalking towards War
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The part that I don't get is how
The Deep State is supposed to benefit from an all-out war with Russia. It's been known for two generations that such an idea is MAD. I see how they benefit from from the low intensity stuff, but a real war can't benefit anyone.
It's possible that they're deluded, and think that this generation of ABMs is good enough to withstand an attack with minimal losses, but how a weapon works on paper is always dramatically different than how it works in a hot war. We can't stop 7000 Russian warheads. Nothing can.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Lowering the human rights legal standards to
bomb Muslims to smithereens will also lower the standards for human rights for everyone else,
Yeah...I am cool with that.
The PTB want a say in who lives and who dies, and how they live, and how they die.
We need to be shifting our conversations to what we can possibly do to get on the "let live" roster.
I make a mean green bean casserole. Is that enough?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I would put a great green bean casserole on the live list.
You might have to like, stick some kale in it or something.
George Bush (the 1st) hated broccoli!
I will be living entirely on Social Security one day. Hopefully, 10 years from now. But barring disease or injury, I will be 75, living on my benefits and the sale of a very nominal property.
Will I have to teach piano lessons to some punk ass rich kid? Or teach some rich kid how to plie' and stand properly in ballet 5th position?
Will I just be a loser?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Nope, ten years from now,
@Big Al I am a beer person
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Bloggersnark Potemkin—Ten Diaries That Shook the World (^_^) n/t
and then let's burn one.