Trump's Contradictory "Military Policy"
Newly elected president (OMG) Donald "War Criminal" Trump (because he will be, believe me) has "laid out his military policy" while introducing Mad Dog "It's fun to shoot people" Mattis as his prospective Secretary of Imperialism.
"President-elect Donald Trump laid out a U.S. military policy on Tuesday that would avoid interventions in foreign conflicts and instead focus heavily on defeating the Islamic State militancy.
In the latest stop on a "thank you" tour of states critical to his Nov. 8 election win, Trump introduced his choice for defense secretary, General James Mattis, to a large crowd in this city near the Fort Bragg military base, which has deployed soldiers to 90 countries around the world.
"We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn't be involved with," Trump said. "Instead, our focus must be on defeating terrorism and destroying ISIS, and we will."
First of all, that's easy to say now since the U.S. has already toppled half the governments on the planet. Second, what on God's green earth evidence is there to trust what this man says? And third, what about this?
"Even so, Trump said he wants to boost spending on the military. To help pay for his buildup, Trump pledged to seek congressional approval for lifting caps on defense spending that were part of "sequestration" legislation that imposed cut spending across the board.
"We don't want to have a depleted military because we’re all over the place fighting in areas that we shouldn't be fighting in. It's not going to be depleted any longer," he said."
Let's see. We need to build up the military because it's fighting in areas it shouldn't be fighting? WTF!
How do you reconcile that with a "non-interventionist" foreign policy? Because of ISIS? Is there anything that could be less non-interventionist than the Global War OF Terror? The United States of America needs to continue the austerity measures on the Serfs but must exempt defense spending in order to buildup the military to fight ISIS? The ISIS that the United States government and partners have created, funded, armed, protected, and guided to enact the very regime changes Trump says we won't do anymore?
All while he's supposedly seeking a rapprochement with Russia, the current Enemy Number One in all defense department/Pentagon reports and studies AND ending the endless parade of U.S. regime change operations that are blatantly listed in Wikipedia?
If you'll recall, when G.W. Bush took office with his neocons, they sought to build up the U.S. military and after 9/11, the defense budget increased for ten years, more than doubling the budget under Clinton, peaking in 2011 at 717 billion. The reason for this was spelled out in the PNAC think tank document, "Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding American's Defenses" and other documents issued after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was to use military might to maintain and secure sole superpower status on the planet, i.e., rule the world by military force. It's very clear, there is no question of that agenda and it's universally accepted in the Beltway, Congress, both political parties, and the Pentagon.
The United States Empire has gone through fifteen plus years of continuous war and expanded global military imperialism, including the FAKE War OF Terror and the wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Somalia, and Afghanistan. The Empire maintains over 1000 military bases worldwide, stations special forces in over 150 countries and has an official military doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance, the ability to achieve dominance over all air, land, sea, cyberspace and outer space as well as psychological dominance. It has increased it's military, intelligence and national security combined budget to over one Trillion per year.
Now, Trump and his administration, no doubt with the help of our nearly universally disapproved Congress, wants to increase the war and imperialism budget even more. They want to continue the sequestration cuts (austerity) on other programs but exempt the Empire's military. Why?
According to Trump, because of ISIS and terrorism. We, the United States of America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, who have already spent 15 years and trillions of dollars (not to mention killing over a million people) supposedly waging a war against terror precipitated by the attack on 9/11 supposedly by Al Qaeda, need to buildup our military that already practices Full Spectrum Dominance on the planet and maintains a global empire of over 1000 military bases, spending even more money and lives to defeat the ISIS which our government and friends have created and maintained. The great United States against 20-30,000 mostly mercenaries our vaunted military has been supposedly fighting for 15 years (ISIS is just an extension of Al Qaeda), needs to massively buildup its military over the next 5-10 years to fight ISIS.
What do we got, something like 500K military, 12-13 aircraft carriers, 4-5000 fighter jets, 1000's of tanks, the greatest military machine ever built and those in charge, like the fucking generals Trump is now hiring, can't defeat a ragtag army of 20K that our government and others supply, fund and arm. All these generals Trump is hiring have been in on the "fight" and they couldn't get it done, but now we're supposed to believe they're the ones that are going to defeat terrorism. Even If it was real it would be stunningly laughable.
But that's not the reason, ISIS is not the reason, terrorism is not the reason, Trump is flat out lying like Obama lied and Bush lied. The ONLY reasons to rebuild the military at this point is to maintain the Empire/continue the quest for the New World Order, prepare for war with Iran, Russia and China, continue the assault on the Middle East and Africa and feed the military industrial complex.
The war OF terror is fake, Trump knows it, his mad dog generals know it, they all know it. Trump, like he lied about the Carrier jobs deal, is a liar, a professional liar, a Big Fat Liar (not as good as Obama though). And his foreign policies are the same old lies we've been hearing for all our lives. We need the biggest, baddest, most expensive military on the planet because we have enemies that are out to get us.
We need to find a way to stop this NOW.

Here's a quote
"I am not so sure the role of the United States is to go around the world saying ‘this is the way it’s got to be.’ … If we’re an arrogant nation they will resent us, if we’re a humble nation but strong they’ll welcome us."
George Bush 2000
Another thought, remember during the 2011 presidential campaign, getting out of Afghanistan was a key issue, like getting out of Iraq was in 2008. In 2016 there was no talk about getting out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Weird.
Have we regressed?
Or are we completing the completion backwards principal?
Edited to add:
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Regressed? Maybe.
We're humans doing human shit. Pull out a few Plato quotes and apply them to today and presto, we've neither regressed or progressed, we just haven't figured it out.
Lots of money to be made from the MIC
and I'm sure Heir Pumpkinfuehrer has reserved his spot at the trough.
Christmas at the Pentagon...
Progressive to the bone.
Lots of money to be made
fromfor the MIC.After all, they own everybody.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Well all we need now is for a fashion designer to create
some snazzy military uniforms and introduce some old school marching techniques.
Bad move, if we have it we will use it
We get into trouble around the world because we have the world's most prolific killing machine.
Yet, there is no justification in international law to do this. It would require either an UNSC resolution or a direct and imminent military threat against the US.
Does anyone know of a single use of the US military post WWII that was justified and legal?
Why do we do this? We don't have the cause or the wisdom to use this $T per year lethal killing machine. Does anyone doubt that the rise of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra, ad nauseum is a direct result of US action in the middle east and North Africa.
The European Union is coming apart to a large degree because of immigration out of the ME, thanks to us. Why do the EU states not understand that following the US is destructive to their interests? They still haven't recovered from the US induced economic crash of 2007. Again, this all starts with the US military machine. Even an idiot could predict really bad things coming from this new proposed military buildup. It's bizarre .. our problem is that our military is not strong enough???!!!
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Ours is a dying empire, in a
Ours is a dying empire, in a time of a dying economic system. This is what the citizens of dying empires demand; a return to former glory, usually through 'renewed military strength'.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear Trump say we haven't lost any wars...not really; we've just been betrayed by traitors in our midst who don't recognize American Exceptionalism.
IMO, this is where our nation has been heading for decades; to a pseudo-fascist like Trump.
Whether Americans stand up and fight and defeat his brand of delusional, militaristic nationalism remains to be seen.
I suggest we withhold all references to Godwin's Rule for the remainder of the Trump Presidency.
What makes pinning Trump's
What makes pinning Trump's actual policies down difficult (assuming he has any fixed policy positions) is the fact that (imo) he's building a flak bunker of old neocon assholes next to him, for the sole purpose of dazzling the dumbass FauxNooze-watching know-nothing base of the Repuke party with a 'shock and awe' campaign of utter bullshit, that will clear the way for the run-of-the-mill Repuke 'rape and murder' of anything remotely resembling civilization and society in our nation.
Trump is not a businessman, he's a carnival barker, a brand-manager, a con artist. And he's going to use that talent to distract his clueless fans while the suited billionaire/bankster/Wall St. scum steal every nickel that's not glued to the pavement.
Donny Tiny Hands Trump Will Use The Military
as his symbolic penis. An extension of his massive ego. He's gonna stamp out ISIS just like the mayor of NYC will be able to stamp out Cockroaches. You can't defeat an ideology with rifles and tanks.
There was a Frontline piece on teevee this week about ISIS. It said ISIS is for the most part made up of the old Iraqi military that Bush disbanded after the Iraq war was "won". They went underground until the US military left Iraq. Then came back with a vengeance. So why should this time be any different.
Also recall, when he debated Hellery on the aircraft carrier in NYC, he said out-loud that Bush's big mistake after the Iraq war was that we didn't 'Take' the oil. Hahaha. President Numb Nuts. Buckle in people, more Oil Wars ahead.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
But wait there's more...
you forgot Somalia. Jimmy Dore explains why Somalia (9 min)
If you don't have 9 minutes for his rant -
It's about the newly found oil reserves off the shores of Somalia and Kenya.
Obomber dances to the tune of his corporate masters. The question is does T-rump have masters (or act on the elites behalf) or does he pull the strings of the puppets?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
As a sailor who would love to sail to the Med...
I've been spreading the rumor that there was oil in Somalia so the US would intervene and finally put an end to the piracy that makes traveling to the Med so dangerous for sailors like myself. I figured if I kept telling people that there was oil in Somalia someone on the US would here it and take action without knowing the facts(the usual method!) Well!!! Who knows, maybe I will be able to safely sail up the Red Sea! Maybe my message finally got through! Idiots! All of them!!!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Sure did. Add Somalia to the list.
To me there's no question about Trump and our government at the top. The pattern is clear. A number of top geopolitical analysts have noted that the ruling elite have been calling to rebuild the military for some time. There have been a number of generals and admirals testify in front of Congress about the need for that. Along comes Trump and he's saying just want they want done. I don't think that's Trump's personal policy planning while he's eating dinner in Trump Tower.
the business of the US is war
arms dealer, invader, selling high-end weapons to police -- all to make money. It's not only about the resources to be grabbed (fossil fuels, gold, diamonds, trees, animals) but the process itself makes the rich people even richer. They fund all sides of a conflict because they want to sell more guns and bombs and bullets.
It's all about money, and the people making the decisions ("elected" by a tiny portion of the residents of this country) are heartless, sadistic, greedy beyond comprehension. They don't care what havoc they wreak.
I don't know how to stop them, but I hope they fall of their own weight soon.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Certainly aren't going to stop them if more people
don't place a higher priority on it. I don't think most people, including many here, want to deal with it and are misjudging the importance of it in the big picture. I think that's a mistake.