They scare the beejesus out of me...


I wanted to use another word than "beejesus" but I heard recently that swear words in titles get bojoed in web crawlers and whatnot, so ya, I like this place, respect, in digital form. Maybe the Son of God and a little honey will get the spiders dancing...

So Trump just nominated Tillerson to Sec. of State and that idiot Rick Perry to Energy (oops), all the while dangling Mr. Romney around for sins against Das Pumpkinfuhrer in the primary and general election... petty doesn't even begin to describe it. All the while the conflicts of interest keep piling up as the kids who run his company keep sitting-in on international meetings, and new wars are being nurtured with wimps like China. Unfavored stocks are being targeted and most-likely shorted by the Apricot-in-wanting, making companies lose billions in but a few nanoseconds, all in the name of profit and vengeance. Not to mention that Ayn Rand may just see her vision implemented sooner than anyone imagined... This is but scratching the surface of some random Siberian swamp...

Ya, I am scared. Scared for the people, the Republik, and everything that entails the pursuit of happiness. Trump and his Band of Morans will do some serious harm to our country before all is said and done. However, my fear is not reserved only for the Republicans, as the Democrats have shown, there is much more to be afraid about... join me below the fold.

Oh, no fold... good riddance. Since the election, we have been watching Democrats commit seppuku on the sword of neoliberalism, which is kind of good news. The problem of course, is that the sword is then hoisted high-up in the air, and proclaimed the savior of future contests. Maybe all that corporate blood made it stronger. To say the Democrats have not learned a single thing from the shellacking they just took in the election, is an understatement. I won't break-down all the excuses used so far, I think we all have at least a minor from Think Progress on those talking points.

It is one thing to deflect blame, but it is beyond the pale the ugliness that has reared its head among our ranks, one simply need go read Markos' lovely diary berating coal miners where he's pretty much happy that they might die. Oh, sorry, lose their healthcare coverage, death not guaranteed! It is time for a new term, one I thought would never see the day, compassionate liberalism. Yes, we too have a cadre of selfish assholes in our ranks! (this military sucks...)

So here we are as the Democratic Party line seems to be to berate every single group of the electorate, diced into perfect little boxes, except those invited to Hillary's Big Donor party tonight... they are the real heroes dontcha know, they do the dicing. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are our new leaders, promising a bright future of change, well, at least Schumer sees the light, Nancy not so much. Hey, she's new at this leader thing, give her time! According to polls and people in the know who got everything wrong, Joe Biden is the new frontrunner for 2020, Change We Can Be- ah fuck it, whatever.

Hey I like Joe Biden, I just don't want to vote for him. Have a beer? Anytime. If I could choose one person to be my honorary uncle, it would be a three-way tie between Jesus-Santa and Joe Biden. Maybe I would vote for him to be brewmaster... but sorry, I am done with the corporate wing of this Party and that includes Uncle Joe. Unfortunately for me, it seems the corporate-neoliberal wing (yes, that is a thing) is going to win the day....again. Our "leaders" are old, sold-out and pathetic, our "Party" is blaming everyone and everything they can spit on (must be raining), we are having parties for the wealthy, and progressives are once again being told to wait their turns and to keep their big ideas to themselves (aka shut-up). Hey Bernie, how is outreach going? Let's ask the media.... off to YouTube!

So ya I am scared of the Democrats, because I have gotten used to being scared of Republicans, easy-peasy, but this fear, this new fear, has truly shaken me. I always counted on Democrats to at least be that mythical counterweight to Republicanism, but I see both of them partying real hard on the same side of that scale... and I can't help but wonder... didn't we just lose an election? We have zero power yet I am being told hourly we won the election... that Democrats have the mandate! To do what, that has yet to be determined, but don't let yourself get entangled in facts and numbers... don't even get me started on those fucking biased numbers... all that matters is that

We won, and that scares the shit out of me.

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Jazzenterprises's picture

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Progressive to the bone.

mhagle's picture

I was going to write an essay with that title, but maybe it is better as a comment as you are sort of saying the same thing I think.

Mr. Trump is the devil we know. He just lets it all hang out.

Mrs. Clinton and the dems, are the devil we don't know. We are sort of getting to know them, thanks to Wikileaks, but who knows the breadth and width of back room deals and coercion committed on behalf of corporate corruption. What we see is frightening, but I am much more scared of everything we don't see.

I am actually enjoying watching Trump choose his cabinet and advisers. Holy crap! It is like he is purposely making the worst possible choices, and giving jobs to some who have criticized him the loudest. Is John McCain going to be sec of defense? (has he chosen that one yet?)

It is like we saw in the primary and applauded . . . he said and did all of the terrible things that republicans have been promoting quietly for years. He pulled down their pants.

Or hell . . . maybe at least some of these guys might end up doing the right thing sometimes just to prove to the world that they don't suck as much as everyone says.

Maybe we should be lobbying some of these guys to make changes that the dems have completely ignored. My two examples are:

  • Yes, the pick for Ed Sec is terrible . . . but maybe we could talk her into modifying our educational system to actually accommodate dyslexic/right brained kids?
  • Ben Carson . . . Maybe we could get him to take on the terrible standards for manufactured housing? No one should buy any home and have it fall apart in 10 years. (This is why I have no respect for Warren Buffet. His manufactured homes are the shoddiest on the market.)

Maybe instead of protesting the inauguration, we should be lobbying for better policy?

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

WindDancer13's picture

come to mind when seeing Trump's picks. His choices hold pretty much the same beliefs and policies as those made by the administrations of the last 30 or so years, only more blatantly. At least it is out in the open now and maybe, just maybe there will be a reaction from the governed (oppressed) to make some real changes insted of settling for the business s usual we would have seen under HRC.

Maybe instead of protesting the inauguration, we should be lobbying for better policy?

IF, and this is a big IF, those who are letting the media (and that includes may of the "liberal" organizations such as MoveOn) lead them by the nose down the path of distraction over Russia and the election finally wake up.

As our so-called representatives have shown they can be bought, maybe the people should take up a collection to buy them back...until such time when Diogenes finds a few honest men/women.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Citizen Of Earth's picture

and finally voted in a third party. Only problem is that Greece had to go Bankrupt to wake up the sheeple. And by then it was bread lines and soup kitchens time.

I think that is where the US is headed in short order.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

ZimInSeattle's picture

always hope. The country has hit rock bottom. The Dems have been exposed as just as or more corrupt than the Repukes. Between the fear I feel for our political situation and that of climate change, I just don't know what to do. I'm thinking climate change will sooner rather than later dominate the fear narrative. I fear most for our younger people. When Trump picked Perry, I thought it was Katy Perry. Seriously, she would do just as good a job as that idiot Rick.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

mhagle's picture

. . . in the next year or two. Once the arctic ice is gone, sea level rise and methane will make everyone wake up.

That's why I am not so scared of Trump. I doubt he will have the chance to do much harm before the shit hits the fan.

Hope the future is a happier story than that one though!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

counterpunch article

The Democrats’ politics might be described as inauthentic opposition in the era of Superpower. Having fended off its reformist elements and disclaimed the label of liberal, it is trapped by new rules of the game which dictate that a party exists to win elections rather than to promote a vision of the good society…Should Democrats somehow be elected, corporate sponsors make it politically impossible for the new officeholders to alter significantly the direction of society. At best Democrats might repair some of the damage done to environmental safeguards or to Medicare without substantially reversing the drift rightwards. By fostering an illusion among the powerless classes that the party can make their interests a priority, it pacifies and thereby defines the style of an opposition party in an inverted totalitarian system…While the Republican party is ever vigilant about the care and feeding of its zealots, the Democratic Party is equally concerned to discourage its democrats…The timidity of a Democratic Party mesmerized by centrist precepts points to the crucial fact that for the poor, minorities, the working class, anticorporatists there is no opposition party working on their behalf…By ignoring dissent and assuming that the dissenters have no alternative, the party serves an important…stabilizing function and in effect marginalizes any possible threat to the corporate allies of the Republicans.”
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Anja Geitz's picture

Took a page out of Russia's revolutionary history and did the opposite

By ignoring dissent and assuming that the dissenters have no alternative, the party serves an important…stabilizing function and in effect marginalizes any possible threat to the corporate allies of the Republicans.”

First it was was Tsar Nicholas creating the Duma. Then it was Gorbachev with glasnost. And we all know what happened after that.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier